Chapter 119

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- You what?

I try not to cringe at Steve's scream in front of The Ivy restaurant, the same one we went to with his family when we pretended to be engaged.

Oh so many memories...

But Steve doesn't seem to be caught up in the memories of the beginning of our romance, but rather thinking about what trouble he got himself into, letting the fake relationship evolve into a real marriage where his wife found him a date with another guy.

— Well, first of all, very calm and please don't yell at me. I still have the card from that support group for women tormented by violent, alcoholic and toxic husbands! If you're abusive to me, I'll tell them to come after you and cut off your penis.

Steve shows no sign of being afraid of my emasculating threats.

— Tell me why I shouldn't set up a support group for men tormented by insane women, Natasha?

— Oh, that's an exaggeration, I'm not crazy.

— We have a different view on this... For God's sake, you just told me that you got a date with another guy!

— Calm down, it's not what you're thinking!

- Oh no? We were supposed to have a normal lunch during the work day and I was just told that I'm actually going to go into this restaurant alone and meet a guy named David.

I give a big excited smile.

— Yes, David Cabot! 32 years old, tall, with a toned body, but not too much. He is a successful lawyer, a fan of Frank Sinatra, although he confessed that he loves the Spice Girls, but who doesn't? And he looks the best, his favorite is Posh Spice!

— Oh sure, now I'm super excited to meet you — Steve starts using irony. Okay, he's about to lose his temper.

— I thought you'd like it, after all, weren't you the one who imitated Posh Spice in Amsterdam?

— I was high. Just the way it should have been when I married you!

— Hey, calm down. I didn't tell you everything about David. Didn't I even say he collects vinyl?

Steve's eyes suddenly light up and I stop myself from laughing.

Oh Steve, I know you so well.

— Yes, isn't it cool? At least you have something to talk about.

— And tell me why I would like to talk to this guy David?

— Because it's a date! And the best meetings are those where the conversation is fruitful, we find several things in common and the conversation flows naturally. Oh Steve, you see you haven't had many dates, trust me, I know what I'm doing.

— Natasha, seriously. What the hell is happening? I thought I had stopped that crazy idea of seeing myself having sex with a guy!

— Ah, but I gave up.

- What does that mean?

— Honey, if you would stop for a minute and listen to me, I would tell you everything. This guy is not for you. It's for daddy.

- Your father?

— Yes, did you forget that now he likes men too? I told you, I want to find my father a boyfriend.

— Ok, I remember, and I told you I was a little clueless...

- It is not! I went on a dating app and looked for a guy for Daddy.

- You?

— Yes, I did a screening so to speak. You know, I couldn't let my father meet an eye-eating serial killer.

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