Chapter 70

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"Penelope." The name suddenly pops into my head.

It's been ten hours since she was born, and contrary to the fact that I've been in labor for twenty-three hours, I'm already cleared to go home.

I knew that somehow I would be like Kate Middleton!

Steve has the baby on his lap while I adjust my clothes for us to go home. I still feel sore, and I don't even want to think about what state my poor vagina will be in (which thank God didn't need to be pricked), but I also feel very happy.

- Penelope? - Steve repeats.

- Yes, I think that name is beautiful!

He smiled.

-Penelope Rogers.

"Penelope Romanoff-Rogers," I correct.

"Okay, Penelope Romanoff-Rogers. It really is a beautiful name. Ready to go home?

- Yes.

Steve drives through the streets of London and it still feels amazing that we're finally with our daughter, going home.

We don't talk about our fight anymore and now that it's all over, it seems like it doesn't matter so much anymore.

We are together. We have a baby.

I know he loves me. And Steve was right, we were going to get married sooner or later. As I told him, I was angry that he hadn't told me the real reasons from the start. It would have avoided all that discussion.

"We're here.

Steve stops the car and I look around.

- Where have we arrived? "We're definitely not in front of our building.

- At home. He smiles and gets out of the car, opening the back door to get Penelope out of the car seat.

I do the same, confused, looking at the house in front of us.

- Home?

Steve comes to my side, holding our baby.

- Yes, our house. Did you like it?

I open my mouth in shock.

'Did you buy a house?'

"Yes, it was a surprise.

- I don't believe! I thought I didn't want...

"It was just to annoy you!" I bought this house two months ago, and it was under renovation. You were right, we needed a bigger house.

- I'm in shock! I mutter as I make my way through the manicured garden, my eyes taking in the details of the Victorian house.

I open the door and my eyes widen to see that inside she is just as beautiful as outside.

"Steve, how did you do this all by yourself?"

"It wasn't the Scott brothers who did it, of course, but I had the help of good decorators.

My astonished eyes roam over everything, unable to capture all the details at once.

"Go up and open the second door," Steve instructs me and I head upstairs, with him behind me and open the door.

"Damn it, Steve! - I can't help but swear when I see the beautiful nursery in front of me.

All pink and white. I recognize the trousseau items I had purchased.

- He liked? Steve walks past me and puts Penelope in her crib.

For the first time in my life I think I'm speechless.

Steve approaches.

"If you don't like it, you can take it all off and do whatever you want."

- No, I loved it! Is perfect! I'm still very surprised! "I can't contain the tears.

"Hey, don't cry.

"I think it was all the excitement of the last few hours.

"At least you're not crying with rage anymore," he says still guiltily, wiping my face. "I swear I didn't mean to hurt you.
You're right, I should have told you everything. But I was terrified of losing you.

"Yeah, that was a bad blunder, Steve. Lucky for you, you'll never be able to get rid of me. I take her hand, intertwining our fingers. "But don't ever do anything like that again. We're partners in crime, remember? - I smile.

"So are we okay?"

"Maybe I have to think of some punishments for you... You know I'd love to see you get beaten up by Wanda again..."

He laughs and kisses me.

"Are you really going to ask to leave DBS to stay with us?"

- Of course yes.

"But your job is more important..."

"Nothing is more important than you, Natasha.

"Oh, Steve," I whisper excitedly. "I'm so in love with you!"

"I know," he says smugly.

"I can already imagine us being so happy here!" Would Kate and William accept being Penelope's godparents?

"Don't travel, Natasha!" Now look out the window.

I do as he asked and am surprised to see a party set up in the garden. Steve's parents are there, just like mine.

Mom is dancing and drumming, Dad is taking a picture of a blonde girl in a flowery dress...

"Oh my God, is that Wanda?"

Wanda is unrecognizable, even wearing a flower garland on her head.

"Looks like her mother Goddess-brained Wanda. And now she's the newest member of her mother's crazy sect.

"The goddess must be so happy..." I mumble, still bewildered. My mom and Wanda together, how much crazy was going to come out of this?

"And the DBS employees are there too. But I understand that she might be tired. She still needs to recover.

"No, I want to go down and see everyone. And introduce Penelope.

I pick up my baby from the crib. She is really beautiful, I admire, running my fingers through the fine strands of her hair.

At least she wouldn't need the wig.

Steve and I exchange a smile.

"Who thought that crazy engagement proposal would end like this?

'It was a really good deal!' - Steve smiles holding my hand out of the room. "And do you know who's there?"

- Who?

- Henry and Sophia!

"Oh, I missed them...

An Unexpected EngagementTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang