Quarantine Diary of Natasha Romanoff-Rogers

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Day 1

8 am

Everything is fine. I will stay positive. Just because we can't leave the house—God knows for how long—because a virus is attacking everyone as one
those sci-fi movies — that's not to say it's cause for despair. I'm going to take the opportunity to stay with Penelope, after all the nanny was fired, and enjoy good times with my baby, I'm going to read a lot of novels on Kindle and finally be able to make all the recipes from those expensive books I bought on the internet and never used... Or I can read Vogue and that's it.

9 am

Steve asked what the hell I was thinking when he walked into the kitchen and caught me reading Vogue while Penelope played in the stroller with a
teether. I stared at him uncomprehendingly and he said I had missed the 10am meeting. Oh yeah, then I remembered that Steve had said that we weren't going to stay at home doing nothing, but we would have to do homework.

Pff how boring!

11 am

Steve, as a good workaholic CEO, is committed to keeping everyone busy and working full time in their respective home offices and for that he spent the day in endless meetings that only serve for him to keep an eye on the employees and ensure that everyone is doing their jobs and not curled up on the couch eating Cheetos and watching Netflix.

12 pm

Steve must have noticed that while he was keeping an eye on the employees, he forgot to keep an eye on me and sneaked into my office—yes, he insisted I have a home office too, as if I was going to waste my time working from home. And he caught me watching “Marriage Blind” on Netflix — seriously, this Jessica is so clueless!

1 pm

After Steve's scolding, I decided to work, but first I did a search on news sites — after all, as a good communication professional, I have to
keep me updated.

2 pm

I'm crying for the third time, because I'm sure we're all going to get this virus and if I die, they won't even be able to watch over me properly with that one.
Chanel dress that was my dream, while Celine Dion sings the song from “Titanic”.

3 pm

Steve decided I can't watch the news anymore and asked me to distract myself, but with something useful and not reality wedding shows. I decided to call my mom, but Dad told me she's on a video conference with her Wiccan friends as they chant to save the planet and can't talk to me right now.

4 pm

While Penelope slept, I decided to bake a cake, but when I looked in the pantry, I realized that we didn't have the ingredients, so I decided to go to the market. Steve didn't think it was a good idea, but I assured him that he would take care of it and go out and buy everything we needed to get through the week without having to go out again. I put on my mask and feeling like one of those apocalyptic movie heroines, I left the house.

5 pm

Why are all those people filling the cart with toilet paper?

I thought it was strange, but if everyone is doing it, I think I need to do it too, after all, all the toilet paper in the world can run out that way. But when I arrived at the session, I was worried to see that I only had one package. I ran there and a woman arrived at the same time. I hugged the package to my chest, but she didn't want to let go. We fight for the paper as if we were wrestling in the mud. She wasn't going to take my toilet paper, my life depended on it! And when she pulled my hair, then I got really angry and kicked her in the shin, hoping she had broken her ulna bone, as I ran around the supermarket with the paper, happy to have won that fight. Maybe I should write about my experiences in this new dystopian reality so that when it's all over, everyone will want to read my exciting biography, and maybe even make a movie!? I might even be an apocalyptic movie heroine!

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