Chapter 52

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- I can't believe I practically passed out yesterday and blew it! - I grumble trying to apply the lipstick without smudging while Steve weaves the traffic at high speed through the streets of London, since we are terribly late.

- Spoiled what, Natasha?

- Our first wedding night!

- We got married a few weeks ago if you remember.

- But it was the first night in our house! It had to be special!
By the way, we forgot that you had to carry me on your lap! - I manage to finish the lipstick without looking like the Joker and pick up the blush.

- I probably would have scared the shit out of you after seeing our family inside.

- You need to change the lock! Can you imagine if they come in when we're having sex? Oh my, I can't believe we haven't had sex yet!

Steve laughs, making a tight curve and the blush goes to my nose.

- Am I a joke to you, Steve? It is not funny! Or do you want us to be one of those couples that never has sex? Have you thought about it, Steve? If we're not careful, we'll be doing couples therapy with less than a month of marriage! And that definitely doesn't make my list of the perfect wedding by Natasha Romanoff-Rogers.

He raises an eyebrow as I try to repair the damage from the blush.

- Romanoff-Rogers?

- Yes, I'm a modern girl, I don't need to use only my husband's last name! It's the first chapter of my book.

Steve parks the car and I put my makeup away as we get out of the car and head for the elevator.

- Wait, did you say book? - He seems to understand what I'm saying.

- I'm not sure if it's a book yet, for now it's a diary, but I'm sure it's good material... - I press the button to go up.

- For God's sake, just don't do it at work and leave it lying around! Enough of the scandals!

- But now we don't need to be discreet anymore! We are married!

- That's why, Natasha - he says seriously - I don't want to give reason to discredit my work.

- Your job? - It's my turn to raise an eyebrow.

- Yours too, of course!

- Yes, you really have to worry about my reputation, because you, besides being the CEO, are now also one of the shareholders!

- This is even more serious! - Fixes his tie with an arrogant tone.

Oh God, how sexy he is when he talks like that...

Yes, I'm married to the most handsome CEO in the world and I can't believe it.

- So I hope you keep your composure and your craziness out of the workplace, Natasha.

- Wow, Steve, is it weird that I get horny when you talk like that? -I lean against him and Steve's eyes shine dangerously, even though his hands are already on my shoulders, ready to fend off my attack.

- Don't even think about it, don't forget what happened the last time we lost our composure in the elevator.

- Composure! - I laugh. - Sounds like an old man talking!

- No joke, Natasha.

I want to keep teasing, but I hold back.

- Okay, it's fine! I'll keep my composure here, Mr Rogers, but you'll have to reward me later!

The elevator stops at my floor and I prepare to leave, but Steve pulls me back and puts his mouth to my ear.

"I promise I'll fuck you any way you want when we get home today, Ms. Rogers."

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