Chapter 7

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Before opening the apartment door, I can hear Holly's voice trying to imitate Mariah Carey to the sound of “All I Want for Christmas is You”.

I need to have a serious talk with her, as our neighbors didn't have the patience Hill and I had to put up with her artistic outbursts.

"Hey, the fugitive showed up!" She immediately stops singing when I enter the room. - Where were you? I told Hill I was probably with some guy, but she was all worried! She called her cell phone and it was off.

“He must have died at some point, out of battery.

I kick off my shoes and drop onto the couch beside him.

- What's up? Who won the bet? Me or Hill? - insists, interested.

— What did Maria bet?

"That she had been kidnapped by some psychopath."

I open a smile. Yes, maybe Hill wasn't so wrong. Steve did have a psychopathic way at times.

- I think the two can share the prize! I blink and get up, picking up my shoes and heading into the bedroom.

— Hey, come back here, I don't understand! And what is this dress?...

I ignore Holly and walk into the bedroom, throwing myself on the bed.

I gaze at the ring on my finger in amazement.

Now that I'm in my room, back in my own world, it's hard to believe that until yesterday Steve Rogers was just the CEO of the company I worked for and for whom I had a huge crush.

It still seems incredible that in less than twenty-four hours my life was turned upside down.

I had gotten drunk in Steve's car, slept in his bed, and in the morning he had proposed a mock engagement.

I even have a diamond ring!

And in exchange for agreeing to be "his fiancée", I asked to have sex with him.

And he accepted.

“It won't be any sacrifice,” he said.

I take my breath for a moment and try to ignore the frantic pounding of my heart as I imagine that I was actually going to have sex with Steve.

Oh God, it's going to happen!

Only, like Cinderella after the dance, I would return to the real world when the charade was over. The one where I had a boring boss and Steve was just an unapproachable CEO.

Surely he wouldnt even take the time to look at me again after we ambosd both fulfilled our parts of the bargain.

This time, my heart sinks in my chest and I sigh heavily.

“It's all a joke, Natasha,” I mutter to myself.

It was better to keep my head on straight.

Or at least try.

Explaining to Holly that her dress was gone was not easy and I had to promise to pay the damage, as she wouldn't accept Erin's hideous dress as a bargaining chip. I don't think even the most crummy thrift store would accept that monstrosity!

And now I watch my closet, not knowing what to wear to dinner with Steve's pompous family. Holly had gone out drinking with friends and called me, but I declined, saying I had a date.

"With the psychopathic cat?" She smirked, still trying to figure out what she meant.

Obviously I couldn't tell him who I'd spent the night with, even though it wasn't a romantic date.

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