Chapter 76

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- I believe this is a way to keep the finance department leveraging its results in a balanced and profitable way...

The voice of James, the CFO, reaches me as if from afar, as my eyes are fixed on the cell phone in my hands, which I keep strategically hidden under the conference room table while the CFO explains his plans for the sector.

No one needs to know that I'm sneaking a peek at the security cameras I popped in the house after we hired a nanny to take care of Penelope. Not that it's not perfectly normal for a caring mother—even a brilliant executive—to check in on her baby from time to time.

I mean, I've been spying since I joined the meeting, guess what? About forty minutes?

The truth is, those weekly meetings that Steve invents suck! And in my view as a very visionary and sagacious executive, that time could be spent on much more interesting activities.

I can already make a mental list of what we could do in those almost four hours:

_ I could have coffee at Starbucks while I read the latest Cosmopolitan article "How to be an exemplary mother and a sex queen" (not that I'm not an exemplary mother and very good at sex, of course, but it's always good to improve our skills. As Steve says, "We should never stop until we're the best.")

_ Do the manicure. I look discreetly at my red nail polish chipped at the tip. Inadmissible! The truth is that this life as a badass executive and perfect mother takes a lot of time, and you can't take care of your appearance with the same care as before. I think it would be great if we had a manicure department within DBS. Yea! It would be amazing. Maybe we should take out the finance department (so I wouldn't have to keep listening to the boring James go on and on - Vampire Mark from HR is almost asleep, poor thing!) and put some manicurists in there. It would be a great space. And maybe a masseuse? Or a hairdresser? Rachel's hair dye is really in need of a touch up, I notice my fellow marketing manager next to me.

_ Or the best idea of ​​all: having sex with Steve in his room. This is for sure the best of all the best ideas in the world and...

- I think you need to be more precise, James.

Steve's voice snaps me out of my reverie and I lift my head for a moment, feigning interest. James wrings his hands, a little nervous at Steve's reproachful tone, and starts stuttering trying to explain who knows what Steve is demanding.

Poor James! Doesn't he know that Steve is a dick in the ass and that he talks just to prove that he has to have the last word and always be right?

Well, I've known this for a long time, so I lower my head and focus my attention on the phone again.

I mute the camera, which was in the baby's room, because nothing happened there, and I find the nanny, Irina, walking into the kitchen with Penelope on her lap.

Penelope is now four months old and looking so beautiful and smart. I sigh, as usual, still delighted that that beautiful baby has come out of me - and without forever damaging my vagina, let's stress. Although I spent almost 24 hours in labor, in the end Penelope was born very well and my lower parts returned to normal without any problems, thank you.

Vaginal transplant is something that hasn't been invented yet!

I watch Irina put the child in the stroller and turn to get something from the fridge.

Irina is a woman in her sixties, of Russian origin, with forty years of experience as a nanny. She had even worked with a duke! I thought it was very thin, even more so when she told me on the day of the
interview that he once knew the queen. Of course I had to hire her.

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