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Song of the Chapter: it's time to go- Taylor Swift

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Song of the Chapter: it's time to go- Taylor Swift


"Dalton! Dalton!!" Cal called to his completely zoned-out friend. "What the fuck. Come on!" Dalton pretended not to hear him. His mind was completely consumed with the image of April glaring at him from across the room. He couldn't understand why she was so upset with him seeing as the last time they spoke, it was about going on a second date. April even seemed excited about the date, so why was she so mad?

"Dude can you look at me for one fucking second?!" Finally, Dalton turned back to Cal.

"Why is April mad at me?" Cal sighed, his face full of frustration.

"That's what you're fucking freaking out about?! I've been trying to talk to you for the last couple of minutes and the first thing you say to me is about some girl?!" He shook his head.

"I'm being serious. I don't know what I did, but she's clearly upset." Cal, who was very obviously unamused, just stared at him as if to say "you're a fucking idiot."

"Weren't you just talking to Tori like three days ago? Maybe that's why she's upset. Anyways, I'm gonna go grab some more beer," He lifted up his cup, revealing that it was empty. Then he began walking towards the kitchen. With Cal gone, Dalton was safe to return to his train of thought. Was Cal right? He didn't think April would be upset by him simply talking to Tori. They weren't even talking, she was just his science partner. But of course, April didn't know that and Dalton hadn't bothered explaining it to her, even when she asked. Instead, he brushed her off as paranoid and jealous.

Thinking of April and Tori reminded him of Pierce and Winter's relationship. Messy. Winter was also a fairly jealous person. She was jealous of Scarlett for being Pierce's official girlfriend while Winter was simply his favourite secret. Dalton didn't particularly like how Pierce treated women as though they were disposable but they were best friends and so he wouldn't dare bring it up. After all, Pierce would probably deflect the conversation to something Dalton had done wrong in the past and he really didn't feel like dealing with that all over again.

Pierce was not a fun person to argue with. He was narcissistic and quick to anger. Dalton could recall many times where Pierce had threatened him during an argument. But despite it all, Dalton stayed by his side. Why? Well because being subjected to Pierce's abuse was all he had ever known. They grew up as best friends and there was no way that would change now that they were older. And so, Dalton grew used to it.

On one of those occasions, the two boys had gotten into a disagreement regarding a party at Carly's house. Pierce wanted to go, but that day was Dalton's younger cousin's birthday and he didn't want to miss it. But of course, Pierce didn't care and after nearly half an hour of insults and threats, he had convinced Dalton to attend.

Another time, Dalton had made plans with April but Pierce wanted him to go to a football game with him and Dalton had no choice but to agree. Dalton was beginning to think that was part of the reason why April was so upset with him. Perhaps she thought that he didn't cancel the hangout with Dalton, but instead went to go some place with Tori.

After spending some time alone with his thoughts. Dalton decided it would probably be the most beneficial if he talked to April and tried to make up for it. Maybe offer to take her to the local movie theatre or on a picnic. Or perhaps he would take the next step and officially ask her to get back together

Over the last few years, Dalton had grown to really like April. He didn't want to risk messing it up further and losing her again. His feelings for her were different than anything he had experienced before.

Dalton placed the cup of beer he had been holding down on an intricate glass coffee table and headed towards where he had last seen April, across the room and by the stairway.

Once he reached the area, he realised April was nowhere to be found. Dalton began to worry that she had found some other guy to spend the evening with and that he wouldn't get the chance to talk to her. Just as he was losing hope, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Dalton?" He turned around to see April, sporting her favourite red party dress standing right in front of him. A curious smile was plastered on her face. Seeing April caused his anxiety to instantly disappear. She was there and she was smiling at him. Maybe she wasn't so mad afterall.

"April! I-I was just looking for you.." He nearly choked on his own words as April laughed.

"You were looking for me?" She asked, inching closer. "That's really sweet." Dalton nodded.

"Yeah I've been meaning to talk to you about Tori and Pierce. Look, I'm really sorry I cancelled our plans the other day to go to a game with Pierce. Y'know he's my best friend and I didn't want to upset him. But instead, I upset you and I'm sorry. And Tori is just my lab partner and besides I'm pretty sure her and Cal have something going on. But anyway, I just wanted to apologise and I know this is kind of sudden but I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend...again... maybe?" At first April appeared somewhat shocked. But then her eyes lit up and she pulled his face close to hers. Their lips met.

"Does that answer your question?" She asked, pulling away. He awkwardly nodded.

As Dalton held her close, he could feel her phone buzz in her purse. She wasted no time fishing it out. The lit-up screen was a bright contrast to the dimmed lights surrounding them. Dalton was sure that if she didn't turn it off quickly, he'd get a nasty headache.

"Ah shit. Lyra passed out. I'll see you later?" She asked, shoving her phone back in her bag. "Yeah." Was all Dalton managed to say. He watched April walk away, the feeling of bliss hanging in the air even after she disappeared from his line of sight.


Minutes turned to hours after April left, leaving Dalton in a cycle of wandering aimlessly, drinking a bit, and talking to people. A few times, people had asked him about Pierce, and eventually he decided to go up to check on him and Winter, who were still upstairs. But before he went upstairs, he decided to refill his cup.

As he headed past the back sliding glass door, he noticed two girls, which he slowly recognized as Scarlett and Everly Garguilo, laughing and whispering on the ledge behind the Motter House. Something about their demeanors struck him as odd, even his drunken state, so he decided to hang back for a minute and watch the two of them.

He couldn't hear what they were saying, but words weren't needed to understand what was going on as Scarlett pulled Everly into a kiss.

Dalton was shocked and confused and against his better judgement, he decided to leave the situation alone and let her and Pierce figure it out. After all, Pierce wasn't exactly being fateful. What could possibly go wrong?


Twenty minutes later, Dalton stood on that same ledge regretting every decision he'd ever made as he stood near the lifeless, crumpled body of Scarlett. Thick blood pooled underneath her and deep gashes covered her upper body. It was clear to Dalton that he had just entered a nightmare like no other and there was no waking up. 



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