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Song of the Chapter: Lonesome- Sabrina Carpenter

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Song of the Chapter: Lonesome- Sabrina Carpenter


The air was thick with an unusual tension as a very confused Dalton walked through the crowded halls of Harborough High. Heat filled his cheeks and an uneasy feeling crept its way towards his throat where an anxiety-filled pit was beginning to grow. The day was new and bright but those stares were anything but friendly. And then came the whispers. The voices of his peers were laced with disgust, curiosity, and confusion. As anybody would, Dalton wondered what had made them stare like that. He couldn't recall doing anything to elicit such looks

He was about to approach a classmate, but after a quick glance at a clock hanging above one of the classrooms he realised he was about to be late for first period-math class- and had no time to worry about stupid rumours. Without hesitation, Dalton made his way to his classroom. However, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was brewing-something that would make attending Harborough High a hell of a lot more interesting.

His suspicions were confirmed upon entering the brightly-lit room. The air was noticeably colder, and it wasn't just because of the strong air conditioning units on the windows. He quickly took his seat and took in the rest of the room. The teacher, Mr. Sawyer had just entered the room when Dalton noticed the two empty seats at the back of the class. It was then that he realised that neither Winter nor Pierce were present, setting off alarm bells in Dalton's head. First whatever the fuck that was in the halls and now this?? Something was wrong. The environment hadn't been this serious since Scarlett's murder. Now, Dalton was not only confused but mildly concerned.

It was probably nothing. Just a weekend getaway that spilled over into the week. Or maybe they had both gotten sick. Whatever the reason, there was nothing for Dalton to be anxious about. He wasn't the paranoid type and there was no way he'd start then. Pierce on the other hand, was most definitely the sort of asshole to run away with his dead girlfriend's best friend for the weekend without telling anyone. Like a sort of Romeo and Juliet thing except where Rosaline was brutally murdered and Juliet had known all about Romeo's feelings for her. And in this tale, the need for secrecy came from the risk of rumours and murder accusations, not rival families. In fact, the Moraises and the Addairs were somewhat close. Especially after their daughters grew to be the best of friends.

The class period came and went without any more questions, at least not from Dalton. But he had gotten fairly good at drowning out the whispers. Growing up in Harborough, it was a skill that many of the citizens had learned over the years. Typical small town gossip, same as always.

Mr. Sawyer didn't wait for the bell to ring to excuse the students. It was a habit of his, a rather impatient man. Always somewhat late and always desperate to get rid of his students. Of course, they preferred it. The disdain was mutual. Had to be for such an arrangement to work so well.

Dalton gathered his scattered books, pencils, and other various belongings and shoved them all back into his already very full backpack. He swung it over his shoulder and scurried out of the room, slightly dragging his feet as he walked. Exhaustion. Something the adults seemed to love rolling their eyes at as if teenagers don't get tired. Did they forget they also love to over-work these same kids? It was all too familiar of a feeling.

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