Quick A/N

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"And the award for disappearing times without number goes to..."


Hey guys! Eche here again 🌚

Please note that this announcement is very very rushed, impromptu and is being written in a flurry of excitement.

So...I know very well that I was originally supposed to be done editing and all that a really REALLY long time ago buuuuut...a lot has happened over the last couple of weeks and I just got into uni!! (to study one of world's top ten hardest courses but that's very irrelevant)

Adapting and figuring out what works for me while trying to find the perfect school/social life/me time schedule and balance that works for me.

But I'm here now, so that means something right?

Oh and thank you for 3.3k reads! Thank you for the love and the comments and everythinggg
Like I was absolutely mind blown...I mean, wasn't it just yesterday I had 500 reads? Crazy stuff men. And to know that there are people out there who actually like my book and my writing style?

Be still, my heart.

So once again, thank you all so much! I really appreciate, you guys are the best❤️ Beautiful people, honestly.

Lots of love familia and don't forget, YOUNG ROYALS, BABYYYYYYY!!!


PS: Y'all that are in university, why didn't you tell me it was like this? I'm so stressed, fr😭

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