11: Distressed Souls

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"Hey," I greeted on sighting Wilhelm.

With the covers wrapped around him from head to bear chest, he fiddled with his neck chain, knees pulled up to his chest and a textbook spread open beside him on his bed. Overhead, the party light from the night of his initiation —I couldn't forget it— glowed red and bright, his toes tangled in the cord.

I shut the door behind me and headed straight for the empty bed, not bothering to wait for his reply or anything of the sorts. All I wanted and cared about right now was the soft solace of the bed. And in three seconds splat, I landed on it face first and with a tired frustrated groan.

You'd think that, after enduring shit —drama and unending problems— in your first year, you'd finally get that greatly desired peace of mind, it'll all be back to normal —well, as normal as it could get here in Hillerska— and everything, every problem would just, I don't know, fucking go away or something.

Guess I was wrong.

First day of second year had been nothing short of strange —with new faces, different courses and my trouble adapting to hostel life— and stressful —Wille's constant staring coupled with the obvious problems at hand; August and Alexander.

Especially Alexander.

Many might have but I hadn't failed to notice the looks he'd sent my way all throughout today. Not ones of glares or scowls but of genuine curiosity. As though he wanted to talk to me, to find out what I knew. As though he knew something that I didn't.

It fucking unnerved me.

Given I'd never seen him for anything other than a nice guy, maybe too nice —he was a major pushover at times— I couldn't help but find it very odd that, all of a sudden, he was now playing villain in the guise of trying to avenge himself and clear his name.

For some reason, it just didn't seem...right.

Just like Wille's complaints about his adopted sister —having held an actual conversation with her, I wasn't sure I could necessarily agree with his rather aggressive opinion of her.

I turned my head to look at him, only to catch him already staring at me. Intently. Intensely. He looked to be very lost in thought and knowing him like I did, I'm guessing he was biting the insides of his cheeks again.

Sighing, I mentally ran through a long list of what could've possibly happened this time, turning on my side. "Wille?"


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