17b: A Royal Favor

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"Your Highness," a voice, an accented gruff male voice that I instantly recognised as Fischer's -it's about fucking time- called out from behind me, rather authoritatively. Dressed in all black, towering over us with his six foot something, he cast a cursory glance at Gregory over here, stone cold eyes having already assessed the situation at hand.

I swear I could hear Horacio quake in his converses.

"Is the Weasley kid bothering you?"


"What?" he frowned, "Weasley kid?"

Henry had never looked more insulted. And I swear, I really couldn't help the loud snort that escaped my lips. I mean, if you think about it, Fischer...wasn't exactly wrong. Just close one eye, squint the other and voila, a very -I struggled to keep a straight face here- uncanny resemblance to Harry Potter's best friend.

However, while Henry tried to clear the mix-up and Fischer tried not to let his irritation show,

"Listen," Henry continued, having sized up the man, "I don't want any problems here. We're just having a conversation."

My bodyguard spared me a glance. I blinked, confused. "What?" It was then I realized he was seeking confirmation. And not too long after, I also realized that they'd both given me the opening I needed to ditch and finally get that much deserved shut eye.

Mentally, I gave a little wicked Grinch smile. Just perfect.

"Oh, uh," I pretended to scratch an itch on my head before clearing my throat. "No. We weren't, uh, having a conversation. He's definitely bothering me."


"Son, you heard Her Highness," Fischer cut in, stern and straightforward, hands out to guide Horacio away. "Now, I'm afraid you're going to have to step back."


"Step back."

He had no choice but to comply. I coughed and looked away for fear of bursting into laughter. Not just because I found the whole situation ridiculous but also due to the fact that he had those deep little blue eyes of his trained on me the whole time. Sad couldn't even begin to describe the emotion in them.

And did it make me feel terrible?

You know damned well it did.

I mean, sure, throwing my status and bodyguard perks around like that was a major grade A asshole bitch move but like every other fucked feeling I've had since the clock hit 12am today (and obviously before that), I was just going to put it -them- in a neglected box labelled 'PROBLEMS' all caps and then fucking ignore until I was finally ready to face the consequences and fucking do something about it. Or, at the very least, until I'd slept and woken up, hopefully refreshed as hell. Or maybe just slept -yeah, let's leave it at slept.

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