15c: Boyfriends?

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"It's been said people, or some at least, read to escape their sexual frustrations —shitload of crazy people, I'm telling you. And well..." she trailed off, gesturing to the array of books spread open on the table.

Immediately, I began arranging the small mess of strewn papers and open books I'd created in the process of reading. "Oh, um..." I glanced around, "...it's nothing like–"

"You also scribbled your boyfriend's name as the answer to 'x'."


Confused, I glanced down at my notes and, eyes widening on realization, there it was. His name in bold caps, my handwriting, as the fucking answer to 'x'.



Shit. Shit. Shit.

Um, how exactly did one get out of these kind of situations?


With amusement twinkling in her dark orbs, she stared, waiting for an explanation or maybe even a confirmation but I realized I didn't have any —I couldn't give any, for fear of further embarrassment.

Shutting my note close, I cleared my throat. "So this is awkward."

"Oh, I know," she replied in a singsong voice. "I know."

I deadpanned. She was clearly enjoying this.

"Anyway, your extreme horniness aside," she continued and I couldn't help but groan even though she was thankfully changing the subject, "how are you? How are you doing? How's life treating you? It's been a damned while, hasn't it? I mean, the last time I saw you, it was at the party when Marcus..."

I winced at the name.

"Shit," she swore. "Uh, look, I want to...er, apologize for Friday night." As a response to my confused expression, she added almost reluctantly, "You know...the whole Marcus shit? Yeah, exactly. Sorry about that. I mean, if I'd known, I probably wouldn't have...nah," she shook her head, "I would've. Definitely."

A brief (awkward) silence befell us.

"But still," she shrugged, "I'm really sorry for any inconvenience it might have caused. I know I can be a major bitch, asshole, pain-in-the-ass-who-should've-never-even-been-born, you name it–"

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