Chapter six

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At Kaede's village,

Flora wakes up during the middle of the night as everyone else wakes up on high alert.
Inyuasha comes next to where she was laying.
" hey , take it easy ." Inyuasha says towards Flora .
" are you okay , Flora ." Kagome then asked Flora nods .
" yeah , I can't sleep ."

Kagome then tells kaede the events Tsubaki as remembers a priestess with that same name a long time ago.

" interesting." Miroku commented.

" hey Flora I've been meaning to ask you , what was that new form you took ." Sango asked as the others looked towards her for an answer.

" enchantix , Is my Final Fairy Form. When I saved Kagome it must have brought it out." Flora tried to explain.

" enchantix, awwwww man I want to see." Shippo wined .
As the group laughed.

" I see it was your sacrifice to put Kagome's  life before your own ." Miroku says as Flora nods .
" thank you . " Kagome says as Flora hugs her . " don't mention it , we're friends right ? ." Flora says as kagome  before asking " what about the powder that purified the jewel shards and everything else."

" fairy dust ... I read something about it  can miniaturize, break darkest of spells, absorb attacks, heal, remove dark qualities, purify and cast or enhance spells." Miroku says to the group who look at him shocked .

" wait a minute Miroku !? How do you know that !?" Shippo asked.

" I read it in a old book about fairy's a time back . Tho I must admit I thought they were just stories but according there are no longer fairy's in this world since ...." Miroku started but didn't know if he should continue.

" spit it out already!" Inyuasha snapped annoyed.

" demons abused and slaughtered every single last one of them wanting to take and absorb them for their own evil purposes ." The whole groups gasp.
" fairy magic in this world is very rare and the most powerful light magic thing that can purify anything ."

" you don't think naruku wants to use Flora for that ." Sango questions.

Miroku thinks in silence for a moment. " no.... I think he needs her for something else . I just don't know what yet  But it can't be good ..... " Flora gasp terrified she heard about naruku from the group but was hoping never to have cross his path.
' the tree of ages wouldn't send me to this demon world only to have me be killed.....why did you send me here? ........ what's my purpose in this world.' Flora thought .

"No ! He's not going to have her if that's what he's planning . I don't care I'll kill him before he hurts her . " Inyuasha vows as kagome saddened.

Flora smiled lightly at Inyuasha's words as the Miroku and sango noticed a love triangle forming in their group which can only lead to a broken heart.

Kagome then senses the Shikon no Tama and they want to go to get the jewel along with kaede who tags along .

The group then  came across a barrier that was comprised of paper talismans.
Miroku and Kaede decide to break down the barrier when Momiji and Botan suddenly made their presence known to them as they  jumped on top of some rocks.

"Are you the one who was pursuing Tsubaki. " Momiji asked Inuyasha
Who then asked them if they were dark priestesses too
since they appeared to have allied with Tsubaki.

The two of them felt  insulted by the accusation.
Then decided to  introduced themselves  as priestess.
"  a demon slayer, a monk, a priestess, a demon , a yokai and hmmmm we can't figure out her yet ." Momiji says But then  instantly attracted to Kirara and Shippō's cuteness.

Nature calling across time . Inyuasha x winx club fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now