Bonus Chaper & Note from Author

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A Note from the Author:

You have reached the end of Part One of Totally Buggin'! I will be posting the first chapter of Part Two tomorrow, however I don't know if I'll be able to post daily like I have been (hopefully still multiple times a week though). The next part is after a time jump, and we'll see Kitty and Buggy when they run into each other a few years later. There will be new characters, and it will be less of a story about OC Kitty in Buggy's world, more about him in hers. Basically I'm getting further from the source material and making up my own version of the One Piece universe for these characters to live in.

Q: Will there be more than two parts?
A: Nope, just the two.

Q: Will Part Two be longer or shorter than Part One?
A: I believe they'll be about the same, but maybe not—it could be that the chapters are shorter but there are more of them. We'll see.

Q: Will there still be spicy murderous clown smut?
A: Well sure, I'm not a monster. There will probably be less of it though as I focus more on the dialogue and the dynamic of the duo (plus Kitty needs some time to get her feelings in order).

Thank you to everyone who's been reading along, voting on, and commenting on each chapter! Your affirmations really coax my hyperfocus into gear, and the words almost write themselves. It's also nice to know I'm not the only one who deserves a lobotomy over this damn clown.

Thanks again! Finally, a bonus chapter for your patience:

Fuck Around and Find Out

    "What is that?" Buggy asked, indicating the cut on Kitty's side. He'd been leaning against the countertop of the kitchenette in the trailer, watching her undress for bed.
    "Oh, it's..." The word 'nothing' hung in the air, but she didn't say it. Instead Kitty sighed and told the truth. "It's where Cabaji nicked me," she said, "when he used me in his act today."
    "He did what?" Buggy asked, uncomprehending. Kitty recounted the story of how Cabaji had chosen her as a 'volunteer' from the audience, all the way to when he'd landed the knife right against her side, cutting through her shirt and skin.
    Buggy listened to the story, then excused himself and left the trailer. He headed for the shack on the edge of the island that he knew Cabaji slept in. Cabaji wasn't in, so Buggy waited. He waited until it was dark and the crickets were chirping, and then longer until Cabaji finally came home with a near-empty bottle of beer in his hand.
    "Oh hey, boss," Cabaji greeted the captain sitting on his front step. He tossed the bottle into the darkness.
    "Cabaji," Buggy greeted casually, as though he hadn't been sitting there for three hours. "Fun night?" he asked. Cabaji just shrugged.
Buggy got up and stretched. "Hey I um, I heard about your act today."
    "Oh that," Cabaji said. "Well... you did tell me to come up with something new." Cabaji studied Buggy. "Not a fan, I take it?"
    Buggy shrugged. "Any reason you chose that particular audience member?" He smiled good-humoredly, but his jaw was set in a way that let Cabaji know he was angry.
    Cabaji sized him up. "Didn't she tell you? She volunteered," he lied. "Yeah, it turns out your girlfriend likes my 'little sword act'. Seemed like she might even want another sword of mine, if you know what I mean."
    Buggy's lip twitched and he began laughing. "'Another sword', that's a good one," the clown chortled, his laughing getting more aggressive. It became a kooky, maniacal laugh; this was the laugh that made people wonder if Buggy was actually insane.
    Cabaji's back hit the ground before he ever saw the fist that punched him. He scrambled to his feet and backed away from Buggy, who looked more dangerous than ever. Buggy came towards him, pulling a knife from his coat pocket.
    "Hey, take it easy man!" Cabaji exclaimed. He pulled his own knife from his belt but continued backing away. "What do you even care? I thought you were getting rid of her soon!"
    Buggy's foot popped off his ankle and floated on air to trip Cabaji from behind, and he caught the sword-thrower's collar with one hand before he could fall. Cabaji swung his knife, but Buggy's body simply came apart and promptly reattached where he struck. The captain knocked the weapon out of Cabaji's hand and pulled him in close, clutching his collar so he stayed off-balance. He wielded his own blade dangerously close to Cabaji's face. "You don't touch a single hair on her fucking head," he sneered, drawing out every word. His bulbous red nose was almost touching the other man's. "I don't want to hear that you've been anywhere near her from now on, do you understand me?"
    "Yes, yes Captain," his subordinate blubbered. "I'm sorry—it won't happen again!"
    "I'm not done," said Buggy. "You hurt her, now you gotta pay the price." In a swift motion he stabbed his knife deep into Cabaji's arm. Cabaji wailed in pain and Buggy let him go, throwing him onto the ground with the knife's hilt still sticking out of him.
    "My aim is just as good as yours, Cabaji," Buggy reminded the man, turning away from his cries. "Don't forget that."

And an extra Bonus Bonus Chapter:

And an extra Bonus Bonus Chapter:

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