Do Not Blush in Front of This Psycho Clown

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I followed quietly behind my crewmates as we were filed into the giant red and white striped circus tent, our hands bound by rope in front of us. There were only about ten of us left after the battle; our ship was meant for transporting cargo, not taking down pirates, and these pirates were particularly ruthless with their demented smiles and blood-splattered costumes. It seemed like they took the whole thing with amusement, as if killing us off one by one was just a game in their little carnival.
Of course I'd heard of the Buggy Pirates, a crew of circus freaks who terrorized the East Blue. I'd seen the wanted posters in town squares depicting their captain's painted face grinning from ear to ear, and like everyone else I'd been amused but otherwise unfazed by it. It was a different thing seeing that face in person now, with the crossbones tattooed on his forehead, the clown makeup smeared all over, and the large red nose at its center. I realized with some shock that none of this could hide that the captain was an undeniably handsome man. A murderous psycho, probably, but handsome nonetheless.
Buggy's smudged red smile was open in a grin as my crew was led to a row of hanging hooks along the side of the circus ring. Over his blue hair he wore a red captain's hat, paired with a fur-trimmed mustard yellow coat. "Don't look so glum!" said the clown, his voice carrying across the immense space. "You're at a circus! Let's see some smiles." He got in the face of a portly man, who looked bewildered by the request. "Cheeeeese," Buggy said, poking his gloved fingers into the man's mouth and tugging the corners up.
The man tried to retreat but Buggy's grip was firm; the man's saucer-like eyes watered from the pressure. "Cheese?" he repeated through clenched teeth.
"There you go sport!" praised Buggy, giving the man a playful slap before moving on.
One by one, the crewmembers' bound hands were raised above their heads and attached to the hooks, which seemed to be a part of some pulley system spanning the enormous tent. The other circus performers did this, while their captain watched on and cracked jokes.
When it was my turn, the pirate crewmember had to lift me slightly to get my bound wrists on the hook. When he was done, the toes of my boots just barely touched the ground.
"Careful, Mohji," Buggy joked, "I think this one likes it." He winked at me, and my breath caught in my throat. I turned my face quickly. Do not blush in front of this psycho clown, do not blush in front of this psycho clown! I thought feverishly, but it was no use.
"Woah, hello!" exclaimed Buggy with giddy amusement. He skipped closer to me and crouched so we were face to face. "Hit the nail on the head with that one, did I, sugar?" I avoided looking at him and kept my mouth shut. "What, don't feel like chatting? C'mon, we were just getting to know each other!"
Buggy reached out and touched the place where my shirt rose above my midriff, and I let out an audible squeak before clamping my eyes and mouth shut tight from humiliation. I knew my face had gone tomato red. What the everloving fuck is wrong with me?
Buggy jumped back as though my skin had burned him, but he was cackling like a maniac. "Wooo we are gonna have fun with you," he said, grabbing the hook above my head and giving it a push. I glided out to the center of the ring, my toes skittering against the ground trying to get a grip. I stopped when I was smack in the middle of the tent, facing rows of empty bleachers.
Buggy appeared around my shoulder. "What's your name sweetheart?" he asked, still chuckling. He was close to me now, and his bright blue eyes seemed to glow from within.
"Kitty," I answered in the strongest voice I could muster.
"Kitty?" he echoed with raised eyebrows. Even my name seemed to amuse him.
I steeled myself. "Kitty Roger," I said.
"Kitty Roger?" he laughed. "Not of that Roger, surely?" When I didn't answer, his face lit up. "Noooo. No way!" he said backing away, his voice getting louder again. "Everyone, did you hear?" he addressed the room, though most of his crew was still at the edge of the ring and definitely hadn't heard. "It's the Pirate King's daughter! She's Gold Roger's kid! Haha!" He looked back at me with a new interest. "Kitty... Princess Kitty? That does make you a princess, doesn't it?"
Again I stayed silent. I watched cautiously as he circled me like a shark. "Princess Kitty... old Goldy's daughter... I was sorry to hear about your dad, y'know. He was quite a guy."
"Fuck off," I said almost instinctually.
In a second Buggy was back in front of me, holding my jaw in his hand. His handsome face was close to mine and his grin took on a devilish air. "Ohhh, Princess," he relished the word. "I think I'm gonna keep you around a while. After all, it's not everyday royalty comes for a visit."
"Don't," I said through my pinched cheeks, trying to twist my face from his grip.
"Oh come on. Aren't you having fun yet? I thought you liked this game." He frowned mockingly and ran a finger down my cheek and neck. I made another involuntary noise and he chortled. "I thought so! See, we're having fun!" He twisted around me so his chin rested on my shoulder and we were both facing the empty bleachers. "How do you feel about an audience? I don't usually like sharing my spotlight, but..." As he spoke his hand snaked around my waist, tickling my exposed hip.
"Stop," I breathed. "Buggy, stop."
His arm pulled away. "Not into the audience thing? That's fair. Mohji!" he called to his crewmate. "C'mere and show the princess here to her suite!" He lifted me off the hook and set me down on the ground, and Mohji put a hand on my shoulder to lead me out of the tent.
"'Til next time, Princess! Now, back to the matter at hand," I heard Buggy announce behind me with a clap. "Knife-throwing practice!" The noise of a machine whirring and the pleading protests of my crewmates began just as the tent flaps closed behind us.

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