You Knew It Was Coming

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    Mika was sick again, and after some pleading, Morgana was able to convince Buggy to let her use me in the show. "No knives or fire or anything dangerous," she'd promised.
    "Ehh, she could use a bit of roughing up," joked Buggy, giving me a playful pinch.
    The costume she'd given me this time was a long red dress with a slit that went scandalously far up. She wiped off my clownish eyeliner (which I'd still been applying, despite our return to land) and instead made up my face with more traditional eye makeup and a deep red lip. "Stunning!" she'd announced when she was done, though I wasn't sure if the compliment was for me or for her.
    My job was simple: pop out of a box on cue as if she'd magically made me appear on stage. Morgana had a little magic of her own, but still relied on tricks and illusions for her act. Having seen it multiple times now, I agreed that even knowing it was fake, it was still plenty entertaining.
    I walked into the backstage area of the tents, adjusting one of my clip-on pearl earrings. Buggy laid across a patched green couch, having already completed the opening number. The acrobats' act could be heard from the big top.
    Buggy eyed me in the red dress. "C'mere," he said, reaching out an arm. It came apart at the shoulder to wrap around my waist and pulled me across the room onto him. I could feel his hardness under me.
    "Buggy," I laughed, pushing at his reattached arm. "I go on in a minute, I need to finish getting ready." Buggy released me and I went to gather my shoes, strappy red heels that Morgana had picked out (with the assurance that I'd barely have to walk in them). I sat on the ottoman and slipped them on.
    "Here, let me do that," he said, getting off the couch to crouch in front of me. He did the delicate buckles on my ankles, then reached up my skirt and shimmied my underwear off of me.
    "Buggy," I cautioned suspiciously.
    "For safe keeping," he winked, tucking the panties into his pocket.
    Morgana entered. "There you are! It's almost time."
    I nodded and stood, heading towards the door. "Break a leg, Princess!" said Buggy, laying back on the couch with his hands behind his head.

    I laid in the long wooden box, trying not to think of how much it reminded me of a coffin. "You remember your cue right?" Morgana asked.
    I nodded. "Sim sala bim," I confirmed dutifully.
    "Right. Okay. In you go," she said, placing the lid over top of me. I was thankful for the peephole on the side, allowing me to feel slightly less closed in.
    The box inserted into part of a grander set piece, and as it was all being rolled out into the ring I caught glimpses of the audience through the hole. I breathed deeply, trying to diffuse the ball of stage fright buzzing like static in my belly. When my box stopped moving, the lights went up and Morgana began the introduction of her act.
    A few minutes into Morgana's first trick, I felt a strange movement on the inside of my thigh. Silently I reached into the slit of my dress and my eyes went wide as I realized what it was. Oh no. I stifled a laugh and then a moan with my hands as Buggy's disembodied penis nuzzled closer to my uncovered nether region. I clamped my thighs shut around it. No no no, I thought, panicked. He wouldn't really do this to me right now! But I knew even as the thought crossed my mind that it wasn't true. Buggy would do this; he'd find it fucking hilarious.
I can do whatever I want to you, Buggy's voice echoed in my head, and I knew he wasn't going to stop. Slowly I pulled my knees apart, and the phallus slipped soundlessly between my lips. My eyes rolled back into my head and I braced myself against the walls of the box, trying not to make a sound as it thrusted in and out of me.
    "And now for my final trick, I'll turn this ordinary dove into a beautiful woman!" called out Morgana to oohs and ahhs of the captive audience. I hoped my breathing wasn't as loud as it seemed and bit hard on my lip to keep from making a sound. I wondered if Buggy would stop before I got onstage but knew again in my heart that he wouldn't. Please come, pleeease come, I thought, though I wasn't sure if I was talking to Buggy or myself. I was close, and I felt like he must be too. I held my breath as I reached climax, and with a sudden burst of energy, his penis emptied inside of me.
    "Now for the magic words: SIM SALA BIM!" Morgana shouted. Smoke filled the ring and I popped out of the box with Buggy's still twitching dick softening under my dress. I plastered on what I hoped was a dazzling smile and beamed at the cheering audience, ignoring the cum dripping down my thigh.

    "Are you proud of yourself?" I said, stomping back into the room that Buggy was in. I tossed his member at him, and he lifted the elastic waist of his pants to let it slip back inside them. He was still sprawled across the couch in exactly the same position he'd been in when I left, but now he was grinning like he'd told the funniest joke in the world.
    "Thanks for keeping it warm," he said, patting the spot over his pants.
    "It's not funny," I said. "You can't just—"
    "Can't what?" He stood up and smiled challengingly.
    "You can't just toy with me whenever you want," I said, getting irritated.
    "Oh, can't I?" he said, laughing. "'Cause from where I'm standing, it seems like I can." He stepped closer to me like he was going to kiss me, but I pushed him away.
    "Buggy, will you listen to me?" I demanded. "This was my chance to do Morgana a favor, maybe get on the good side of someone in the crew, and you almost blew it and humiliated me." He rolled his eyes, but I kept going. "I'm not a toy. I'm not some place to keep your dick warm."
    He grabbed my arm and pulled me in, his sweet breath hitting my face. "It didn't seem like you minded it," he said giggling. I glared. "Aw, c'mon baby! Let's not fight. My act's about to start, don't you want to see it? I have a feeling it's gonna be the best one yet!"
    I shook my head and lifted my arm from his grip. "I'm gonna go change," I grumbled.
    "Don't be like that!" Buggy called after me. Then, when I didn't turn, "Fine! Come back when you're not in such a shitty mood."

    That night Buggy got back to the trailer much later than usual. I faced the wall and pretended to be asleep.
    He laid down on the mattress next to me and climbed under the covers. After a minute, he put his arms around me, spooning me from behind. His body was warm. "I'm sorry," he whispered softly against my hair.
    Another minute passed. "S'okay," I whispered back.

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