What Else He Can Do

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    In truth, I didn't mind the cage that much. I know, that's crazy—I'd spent my life with the freedom of the open sea stretched out before me, so how could I not be losing my mind in captivity? But something I'd noticed since my dad's death was that everyone on the entire damn ocean seemed to expect something from me, expected me to follow in my dad's footsteps and be a great pirate captain. I'd spent the past year hopping from crew to crew, trying to prove something to myself and others; I'd sailed with the best of them and grappled with the worst. The crew I'd lost to Buggy's I'd only been sailing with for a matter of weeks, and that was only to try to get back to a place I'd been long ago.
    Here in this suspended cage, no one expected anything of me. Buggy didn't expect anything of me. He came in from time to time just to try to make me laugh, which almost always worked. I don't know why I couldn't hate him like I wanted to, but when I stopped overthinking it, I realized I liked being here. I must've hit my head really, really hard, I thought.
    He came in one morning about a week after I first watched the circus. I sat cross-legged and patiently waited for him to unlock my cage. He held my hand as I jumped down, pink tinging my cheeks as I landed a bit too close to him. "Am I going to the show today?" I asked.
    "Sure! It'll probably be the last one for a while. Gotta get a new audience soon," Buggy said with a wink. I felt queasy thinking of why that might be.
    "Maybe this time without the handcuffs?" I asked.
    "I thought you liked them!" he said, grabbing the cuffs off the vanity and leaning back against it. He held them up, the blue fuzz perfectly matching the shade of his hair. "Remind you of anyone?"
    I stifled a laugh behind my hand and he grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. "Don't do that! I wanna hear your laugh," he commanded. He pulled me so I was standing between his feet, one hand still on my wrist and the other on my lower back.
    "Buggy," I breathed, putting my free hand on his chest to stop him from pulling me closer.
    "What's the matter, Princess? I thought we were having fun," he laughed, but his grip loosened. His crystal blue eyes locked into mine and I softened beneath them. I didn't stop him this time when he leaned in, his red nose grazing my neck before his lips met my skin. My breath quickened.
    "Captain?" called one of his female crew members, poking her head in the doorway. "You're needed for soundcheck."
    "Be right there!" Buggy said with a tinge of annoyance. He stood up, but instead of leaving the room he turned us around so I was the one leaning on the vanity, the doorway consealed from my view. He ran his free hand along my other arm til he was holding both of my wrists and pushed them behind me, then leaned down and kissed me deeply. My heart thudded against my ribs.
    He backed away with a grin, leaving me bewildered, until I realized with a start that he'd slipped the handcuffs on my wrist during the kiss. The chain was wrapped around the handle of a drawer, pinning me in place. "Buggy!" I fumed.
    "Ok, maybe it was me who liked the handcuffs," he laughed on his way out the door. "Stay put for me will ya, sweetheart?"
    "Buggy! Come back here!" I shouted, struggling against the cuffs. "Buggy!" I was about to call his name again when a hand clamped against my mouth—his hand. I squealed against it and tried to shake it off, but it stayed firm. Buggy! I tried shouting, but the sound was muffled against the glove.
    His other hand came dancing over my shoulder and I eyed it helplessly. It slid down my body slowly, a thumb running over the cloth covering my breast, and stopped just above the waist of my trousers. I tried to twist away from it, but it was no use. My knees buckled as the hand slipped down the front of my pants.

    "How's that sound?" called Buggy from the center of the circus ring.
    "Needs to be a little louder," said his crewmate from the back of the bleachers. The music started up again, a touch louder, and the crewmate gave Buggy a thumbs up.
    "Okay, I think a bit more on the tuba and we're set. Oh and Francis?" Buggy called to the lighting guy. "A bit warmer on the spotlight. I don't want to look too washed out." The light changed a few times until it had a slightly warmer tone. "Perfect."
    "Hey Captain?" called a female crewmate.
    "Yeah?" Buggy answered.
    "Where the fuck are your hands?"
    Snickers rose up from the crew, and Buggy held up his stubby arms in a shrug. "They're busy," he said with a grin.

    After exploring every part of me and teasing me to finish twice, Buggy's hand finally slipped back out of my trousers just as the man himself walked in. Both of his hands floated over and clicked back into place like magnets. "Did you three have fun?" he asked cheerfully.
    "You're an asshole," I said, but my heavy breathing took the sharp edge off the words. God that felt way too good.
    Buggy chuckled as if he could hear my thoughts. He leaned in and kissed me on the mouth again and, tricky as before, undid the lock on my handcuffs. With my freed hands I pushed him away, still needing to pretend to be mad.
    He laughed. "Still wanna come see the show? I won't make you wear the handcuffs," he promised.
    I thought about refusing just to spite him, but instead nodded quietly, a glower still on my beet red face. He smiled broadly and threw his arm around my shoulders, leading me out the door.

Totally Buggin' (Buggy the Clown Live Action Fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя