Five to Nine

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His mouth moved away and I felt Buggy land in the sand next to me. Gently, he removed the blindfold from my face. I blinked my eyes against the brightness of the island beyond our shady patch and laid my head back down on the ground. I knew my hair must be covered in sand, but I couldn't be bothered to care. "Wow," I breathed.
"You tired?" he asked from where he lounged next to me.
"Not even a little bit," I said, though my heavy breathing gave me away. I tugged at his pants, which he helped me shimmy off him along with his underwear. Then, with an energy that surprised myself, I sat up and straddled him. I admired his lean torso laid out before me, and his hands met my hips instinctively as I lowered myself onto his hard cock. He watched me ardently as I began rocking onto him, my breasts bouncing with the movement.
Once I gathered some speed, Buggy put his head back and closed his eyes, his blue hair splayed in the sand and a look of intense pleasure on his face. He moaned, and the sound spurred me to pick up my speed. I rode him hard, like my life depended on it—which, I reminded myself, it might.
Without warning he flipped us over, his hard member still inside me. I landed on the sand and Buggy's hand closed around my neck, reminiscent of how he'd choked me a few nights ago. My eyes went wide but his grip was gentler now, more intentional. He began pumping into me as he gazed intensely into my eyes, increasing the pressure on my throat. I came on the spot. With a groan, he came too, his body crashing into mine fervently.
As the waves of orgasm subsided, he rolled off of me, our bodies sticky with sand and sweat. We breathed hard, the leaves of the palm trees swaying above us. I looked at his naked body and was shocked to see red and blue smudges along his torso, coloring his skin like bruises. I looked down at myself and had to laugh; his makeup had left marks down my body, leaving evidence of everywhere his face had been.
Buggy grinned. "Now are you tired?" he asked, wanting the affirmation.
I shook my head, pursing my lips in a dissident smile. "More," I demanded breathlessly.
"More?" he laughed. I cozied up to his warm body and stroked his soft penis, which twitched slightly under my fingertips. Buggy watched my face with amusement. "You trying to wear me out or something?"
I grabbed his shaft and it stiffened slightly, causing Buggy to moan blissfully. "You insatiable woman," he hissed at me, kissing me on the mouth. "Maybe you aren't tired, but I am."
You don't have to do anything," I said with a naughty smile, my hand still around him. "There's only one bit I need."
He eyed me suspiciously, a wicked curiosity on his face. "What are you going to do with it?" he asked.
"You'll see," I teased.
Buggy's cock came off in my hand, and I lifted it to my mouth. I kept eye contact with him as I put my lips around his member and sucked it like one might a popsicle.
"Holy mother—" Buggy couldn't even finish the thought as his breath caught and his eyes rolled back into his head. He groaned with pleasure and his dick hardened in my mouth. I kept going, until Buggy grabbed the penis from my hand and stuck it back on his body. "Oh you greedy girl," he said, rolling on top of me. I giggled, which quickly turned to a moan as he pushed into me again.

I laid with my head on Buggy's chest in the shade of our island oasis, the sun getting low and Buggy snoring lightly under me. I listened to the rhythm of his breaths, waiting until he seemed deep enough asleep to slip away from him. He'd finished three times by the time I finally let him rest his head on the warm sand; I'd lost track of how many orgasms I'd had. It turned out that fucking someone like it was the last time you'd ever see them again was darkly satisfying work.
I detangled myself from his limbs and began redressing. With no time to lose, I grabbed my bag and headed towards the lifeboat—only somehow I'd gotten myself turned around. Where is it? I thought anxiously, scanning the beach in the dimming sunlight.
I heard footsteps behind me. Quickly, I grabbed a large rock and hid it behind my back. Buggy came through the trees, still shirtless but he'd put on his pants. "Where ya going, sugar?" he asked.
"Oh, I—I had to use the bathroom," I lied.
He was standing right in front of me now, and I was backed against a tree trunk. He leaned down to kiss me and I stiffened under his lips. "You need your bag to use the bathroom?" he whispered challengingly, and I knew I'd been caught.
With all my might, I hit him over the head with the rock in my hand. Buggy crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

By the time he stirred again, I had tied Buggy to the base of a tree trunk that was submerged in a shallow pool of seawater, which I knew was the only thing that could render his chop-chop ability useless. He sat in the water with his legs folded in front of him. "Oh wow," he said, realizing his position. He laid his head back against the tree with a bemused laugh. "I know you like it kinky, but I just don't think I have another one in me, sugar."
The sun had set only moments ago. I was crouched in the sand stuffing my bag with whatever I could make use of from the pockets of Buggy's discarded coat. I found a compass—his lucky compass—and threw it in my bag. When I was done I stood and faced him. "I guess this is goodbye," I said, the words heavy.
"What?" Buggy laughed. "You're not leaving? Where are you gonna go?"
I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. Anywhere. Everywhere." I shouldered my bag. "All that matters is that you'll never have to see me again, just like you wanted."
"Is this some kind of joke?" He looked perplexed. When I didn't answer, I could see the concern take over him. "Kitty, please tell me you're joking."
    So he does remember my name, I thought bitterly. "Were you joking when you told your crew you'd 'get rid of me'?" I asked, unable to hold back the hurt from my voice. "When you said you'd discard me like trash when you were done using me?"
Buggy stared at me with his mouth agape. "That's—that wasn't—"
"Save it, Buggy," I spat, walking towards the beach.
"Woah woah woah," said Buggy, his voice panicked. "You gotta let me explain. Kitty, baby, that's not how it went!" He struggled against the ropes, but the ocean water made him weak. I kept walking, but he continued to shout after me. "Is this about the other night? It should never have happened, okay? Please, don't just leave, please Kitty!" he called. "Kitty!" But I had already reached the lifeboat.
It was fully dark out now, but the moon was nearly full. I could see the Big Top silhouetted in the distance, its shape swaying softly on the waves. With steely determination, I pulled the dinghy into the cool water and paddled in the opposite direction of the ship. It wasn't long until I could no longer hear Buggy's voice in the distance. I left the island far behind, paddling until I was all alone in the nothingness of the ocean.

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