The Captain's Whore

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    "Got one, Capt'n," called one of Buggy's crew members from the crow's nest. "Starboard side."
    "Excellent," said Buggy. "Ready the cannons. It's showtime!"
    I stood next to him near the bow of the Big Top, scanning the horizon for the ship the lookout had seen. We'd been sailing for over a week and had already plundered three ships and a small island village, leaving mostly destruction in our wake. "Take what you can and give nothing back," Buggy had said to me with a wink before we boarded our first target. I know, I'd thought in response. I'm a pirate too.
    Life on the ship had been mostly the same as at the circus base, only Buggy, along with the rest of the pirates, drank a good deal more than usual. Everyday when the sun got low in the sky, the crew popped open bottles of whatever they'd nicked from our victims and the festivities began. Many didn't stop drinking until they passed out on the deck early into the morning.
    Buggy wasn't that bad, but if I'd thought he couldn't keep his hands to himself before, the problem was certainly intensified by his drinking. We'd be in the middle of singing sea shanties with the crew or listening to others tell stories in a circle when he'd begin kissing my neck, pressing his hard-on against me. After that he'd pull me to his cabin, where he'd fuck me none too quietly as the ship sailed through the night, until we both fell asleep tangled in the sheets. Buggy's attention gave me a warm, cozy sensation that I yearned for, but there was also a layer of humiliation to the ordeal. What do they see me as? I wondered when I had to face the crew again the next morning. The captain's whore?
    Since boarding the Big Top, a sort of ominous feeling had settled over me, its origin I couldn't quite place. Perhaps it was in the disdainful looks of the crewmembers, or maybe it had to do with the attacks we carried out. The Buggy Pirates didn't follow any code, as far as I could tell; they were ruthless, taking a twisted amusement in their own cruelty that I just couldn't understand. You don't have to understand it, I reminded myself. Just follow your own code and prove your worth to them. And I had; I hadn't been lying when I told Buggy I could fight, and I easily took down Marine officers and enemy pirates. I held my own and then some, but when it came to fighting civilians, I didn't see the point.
    Our target came into view: a passenger ship large enough to hold a hundred people. They'd already seen us coming and were scrambling on the deck, trying to prepare for the inevitable attack. There seemed to be some Marine presence onboard, so I decided I'd focus on them when it came time for combat. In the past few days I'd started drawing triangles around my eyes in some semblance of clown makeup, in an effort to look more like the rest of the crew for when we attacked. Buggy seemed to appreciate this, but if the rest of the pirates felt one way or another about it, they didn't say.
    We made quick work of incapacitating their ship with our cannons, then boarded and took out the Marines and other security in a flurry of crashing blades and gunfire. The rest of the passengers were civilians, and the few that put up a fight were swiftly dealt with. The remaining passengers' hands were tied with rope and about fifty of them were walked across a plank bridge back to the Big Top, where they'd be kept in the brig until we returned to base. I watched this procession of frightened faces with a queasy sense of déjà vu. Buggy, on the other hand, bounced around with a grin, teasing his new captives jubilantly.
    "Couldn't you just have a normal circus?" I asked Buggy as the last of the prisoners were taken below.
    "A normal circus?" he repeated, and I knew immediately by his tone and the reactions of the other crew members that I should've bitten my tongue. Everyone stood stock still except for Buggy. "A 'normal' circus?" He was smiling and laughing coldly, but I could see the fury burning through his gaze.
    "I didn't mean—" I started.
    "Is something wrong with my circus?" he challenged dangerously. He stalked towards me, and the atmosphere seemed to grow colder. "Something not normal about it, Princess?"
    "Buggy, I—" I took a step backwards.
    He reached out and grabbed my face, forcing it close to his. His fingers dug into my jaw painfully. "If you've got something to say then say it," he seethed, looking down his red nose at me.
    I pursed my lips. "I just meant," I said carefully and calmly, despite the discomfort in my face, "that you don't need the prisoners. Your show is amazing. An audience would come."
    He looked at me for another moment and his gaze softened. His hand dropped from my jaw and the smile returned to his face. "Where's the fun in that?" he asked, laughing. His crewmates joined in, until it seemed that everyone was laughing but me.

    That night I excused myself early and headed to bed without Buggy, leaving him on the deck with a bottle of rum in his hand. I climbed into the small bed we shared in his captain's quarters, happy to be heading back to base soon.
    I was awoken a few hours later by a thud inside the cabin. "Buggy? Is that you?" I whispered into the darkness. As my eyes adjusted, I began to make out his outline in the moonlight from the window.
    Buggy stumbled towards the bed and I made room for him, but instead of climbing in he knelt over me and pulled the covers off of me. I was wearing only a t-shirt and underwear. "It's late, Buggy," I said, trying to pull the covers back up and turning away from him towards the wooden wall.
    He grabbed my hips and pulled me towards him onto my stomach, then growled in my ear, "You know you're mine, right?" His voice had an edge to it that sent both fear and excitement coursing through me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and knew he was inebriated.
    "Yes, Buggy," I said, my voice barely more than a whisper.
    He knelt behind me and pulled my hips towards his. "Meaning I can do whatever I want to you," he continued, chuckling darkly. He pushed my head into the mattress forcefully and I let out a squeak. "Let me hear you say it."
    I swallowed. "I'm yours," I breathed, my voice muffled by the sheets, "and you can do whatever you want to me."
    "Now that we're on the same page..." he said with a smile in his voice. He pulled down my underwear and took me from behind, my moans buried in the fabric of the bed. When he was close to finishing, he made me beg for it. "Do you want it?" he asked.
"I want it," I answered breathlessly.
"Say it."
"I want you to come inside me," I whispered. "Please, Buggy."
"Anything for my number one fan," he replied, reaching out and pulling my hair. I cried out and my body tightened as he finished inside me with a moan.
    Buggy slumped next to me in the bed and folded me into his arms. He was snoring within minutes.

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