Nine to Five

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Buggy didn't come back that night. I curled into a ball alone on the bed and cried silently into my pillow until sleep finally overtook me. I have to get off this fucking boat, was the thought that I awoke to the next morning.
I had the fuzzy beginnings of a plan in my head, a plan to steal a lifeboat and escape in the dead of night, then paddle until I found a village to camp out in. Unfortunately, much like on our last trip, there wasn't really a 'dead of night' on the Big Top. The crew drank and danced all evening and passed out all over the deck in the morning, making sneaking anywhere damn near impossible. This could be my only chance, I thought, watching the sunlight glint off the waves out the window of the cabin. Once we get back to base, there's no telling if he'll ever let me go.
The cabin door opened and Buggy slipped in. I tensed, but he looked as drained as I felt. His eyes were red and his makeup around them smudged, like he'd been rubbing them. I figured he hadn't gotten any sleep out on the deck. "Hey, shortcake," he said gently, his voice croaky. "Want some breakfast? The cook's making eggs."
I shook my head. "No, thank you," I said, my voice just as raspy as his. I could still feel the spots where his fingers had dug into my neck. "I'm not hungry."
He nodded. His eyes seemed sad. "Look, last night... We were both angry, but I shouldn't have let my temper get the best of me like that. I..." he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. Really, I am."
I stared at him, unsure what to say. He went on, his voice sincere. "I don't want this to muck things up for us, not while we're on vacation. Do you think we could just pretend it never happened? At least for the rest of the trip?"
I blinked. I knew there was no way I could forget it had happened, but I couldn't risk him figuring out my intentions to run. "Sure, Buggy," I said softly. "Let's put it behind us."
He nodded, relieved. "Thank you. I still want to be able to have fun with you."
"Me too," I said, trying to force a smile.
"You sure you don't want any eggs? They're pretty good."
"You go ahead. I'll be out in a minute," I assured him. Buggy left, and the tears that had been building behind my eyes poured over.

A few more days passed, and it did seem like everything had gone pretty much back to normal between Buggy and I. It was easier than I'd thought to pretend everything was okay, but in the back of my mind I was still always looking for my chance to escape.
Buggy came to me on the deck early one morning with reports of an island ahead. "It's pretty small, but we can spot a shipwreck on the shore," he told me. "It looks untouched. Wanna come check it out with me?"
"Just the two of us?" I asked, hiding my suspicion.
"Yeah," he said with a smile. "I thought it'd be nice to have some alone time."
I'd never known Buggy to care much about privacy, but I nodded. We went back to the captain's quarters to grab a few things, and I picked up my sword belt. "I don't think you're gonna need that," Buggy laughed.
My throat tightened. "What if there's wild animals?" I asked.
"It's just a tiny island, nothing big is gonna live there," he said. "And if we do run into anything, I'll protect you."
Reluctantly, I put my belt back down on the desk. With a strange certainty, it struck me that this was it; this was Buggy's plan to get rid of me. He was going to maroon me on an island in the middle of nowhere, never to be seen again.
My heart thudded in my chest as I tried to keep the panic at bay. I looked around the desk and, as nonchalantly as I could, folded up a map that was laid out on the surface. I didn't even have time to look at it; I said a silent prayer that it showed what I needed it to as I slipped it into my bag without Buggy noticing.
We put a lifeboat in the water and paddled it to shore, then pulled it onto the white sandy beach. Buggy had been right, the island was small; it consisted of little more than a sandbar with a grove of palm trees in the center. The wreckage we had come to explore was the decaying bow of a massive ship at the far end of the island. We picked at it for about an hour but found nothing of value. "Well that's a bummer," said Buggy, tossing some scrap he'd picked up back into the water.
"Shall we head back?" I suggested, anxious for his answer.
"What's the rush?" he said with a devilish grin. I swallowed. "I told the crew we might take the whole day." He pushed up against me and tangled his hands in my hair. Despite my trepidation, my body reacted. He wants a final romp in the sand with me, I thought dully. Twisted fucker. But I realized something else as his lips met mine: he still didn't know I was onto him. This was my chance to buy myself some time—and maybe more than just time. My best bet was to wear him down and lower his defenses, then hit him when he least expected it.
    He wants to fuck me? I thought naughtily as he pulled me towards the shade of the palm trees. Fine. I'm going to fuck him 'til he doesn't remember how to put himself back together again.

When we reached the trees, I pushed Buggy's captain's hat off of him and pressed my mouth to his in a kiss that felt incessant, urgent. He responded in kind, cupping his hands around my face to savor the flavor of my lips. We kicked off our shoes and I slipped my hands under the fabric of his coat. He yielded, letting me pull it off of him. Next went his shirt and his gloves, discarded without ceremony onto the sand. He pushed me up against the rough bark of a palm tree and lifted the hem of my shirt over my head before tugging off my pants. His fingers slipped down the front on my underwear and I moaned.
"God, I've missed you," he whispered lustfully in my ear. We hadn't spent a day apart in months, but still I knew exactly what he meant. His fingers teased me, tracing the folds of my inner lips before dipping into me as his thumb massaged my clit.
He pulled his hand away to reach up and untie the bandana from his head. He tugged it off, letting his shaggy blue hair fall free around his face. "Turn around," he commanded, his eyes smoldering into mine.
Warily, I did what I was told. He put the bandana over my eyes and tied it tightly around my head, then his hands traveled further down and undid the clasp of my bra. He slid the straps off my shoulders, then pushed my underwear down over my hips. The island breeze tickled my skin, and there was something extremely rousing about being fully naked and unable to see my surroundings.
Buggy turned me back around and carefully laid me on the sand. It was soft beneath me, with little tufts of grass poking through, scratching softly at my back. He crawled over me, using his knees to pull mine open, then pinned my hands by my shoulders and kissed me deeply on the mouth. His lips trailed along my cheek and he nibbled at my earlobe. I sighed appreciatively; with my eyes covered, every touch felt intensified.
His mouth glided down my neck, the tip of his round nose trailing behind it. He planted kisses along my collarbone and then further down, until he reached my breast. His teeth closed around my nipple, and I cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He teased and sucked each nub in turn, tugging at them with his teeth a little harder each time. I shivered against him as his mouth returned to the skin of my neck, suctioning to the ticklish spot until I was sure I'd have a bruise. I whimpered as his hand reached between my legs, his mouth still attached to my neck.
I was wet, so wet, and Buggy chuckled hungrily. His body lifted from mine as he shifted, and I was caught off guard when his tongue flicked across my clit. "Oh!" I gasped, my back arching against the sand. He kept going, lapping up my juices while his nose pressed into me. His hands held onto my hips as I squirmed against him, rubbing myself on his nose while his tongue swirled inside me.
"You taste delicious," he said from between my thighs. "They should sell this as an ice cream flavor. I'd eat it every day."
"Don't stop," I squeaked. My fingers twisted in his hair as his mouth returned to my opening. He continued tonging me until I came, then licked me to the rhythm of my pulsing canal, causing me to come again and again. He didn't stop until the orgasms had fully dissipated.

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