Syrena fell silent once she had finished, and her expression turned from relaxed to serious in a matter of seconds. "You're sure?"

"No, I'm not." She sighed, looking at the book she had seen before. "But I cannot shake the feeling that we have been betrayed. There is too much evidence, and now this." She waved a hand towards the offending tome before burying her face in the crook of her elbow. Oh how she wished she were someone else and not tasked with such colossal challenges. What was she going to do if the woman who had practically helped raise her and Freya was a traitor? There was still a small ray of hope that Dawn was wrong, that Alani truly meant no harm and that her help was not a double edged sword.

"I do not know much about the version of Alani that you know, and she had left Zyire by the time I arrived in the kingdom. However, I may know pieces of her that you do not." This was Syrena's attempt to lighten Dawn's burden. "Will that help?"

"That depends on what you know."

"Alani apparently met the king roughly twenty five years ago. She had snuck into the kingdom and he had caught her, though instead of apprehending her, he asked for a conversation instead. While shocked at his request, and that he would be civil towards a human, she complied. It was only a short while before the two were married, and Zyire made Alani his Queen. Every Monstra town, city, and kingdom were astounded at the fact that a human was now a ruler. Some accepted it, some did not. King Zyire was labelled both an experimenter and a madman, though those comments did not appear to faze him. He was truly in love."

"Did they have an argument? Any reason for Alani to turn against him and plot his demise?" Dawn asked, eyes seeking Syrena's. "If what you say is true then there must be a reason why she fled to Kings Grave."

"I do not know, the king does not speak ill of his wife, only glowing compliments." The Monstra sighed, looking past Dawn as though she was recalling many memories. "A part of me believes he still lives in the past with her by his side, though who can blame him?"

"That sounds like quite the tragedy."

"It isn't pleasant to watch."

"Alani has never mentioned him once. Though, she has never been the sentimental type." Dawn added with the knowledge she had of the witch, knowing a very different version of Alani then the one Monstra had grown accustomed to. "Having said that, she was very interested in hearing about my experience in the kingdom when I escaped from your wretched dungeons."

"She was?"

"Yes, she was also keen in my discretion and that I would not share with Garrett what I had seen." Scratching her neck, Dawn could not make heads nor tails of this puzzle. Could Alani truly be working against them when there was evidence of both betrayal and loyalty? Why would she send them on this quest if it weren't for uncovering a plot? Unless it was a distraction?

"If that's the case, then why plot against us?" Syrena used the word us as though they were on the same side, as though they weren't two opposing forces that had been momentarily united.

Dawn shook her head, the beginnings of a headache working its way into her skull. "I don't have the answer to that yet, though she does have a reputation of being far removed from her emotions."

"She is quite like you in that regard, then."

"Your comedic talents just get better and better."

"I was being serious."

"Then it is a battle of the heartless."

"You are not heartless, you just guard yours well."

Dawn glanced up to meet Syrena's gaze, looking at her from the gaps between her fingers. "If that is true for me, then the same could be said for Alani. The only thing left to discover is what she holds in her heart that she is wanting to protect."

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