~ "He's out cold." ~ Part 20

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You took off your mask and put your hood down knowing that the man was dead. You watched Touka approach the Doves body and kneel down to him as you stood near Hinami who hugged your side. You kept your hand on her head as a form of comfort for her.

"I bet you always wore these things. Are we so vile you couldn't bare to touch us? Was that it?" Touka stops talking after seeing the golden ring on his finger indicating he's married. She starts to sob into her knees as you only stare at the ring

"Hinami!" You hear Kaneki shout and turn your head to see Kaneki and Yomo. You all leave the sewers you walked behind Yomo and in front of Kaneki. Yomo carrying Hinami on his back.

"Wait, where's Touka?" You question stopping and turning around. Kaneki also turns around but Touka finally catches up and you all continue to walk again in silence

"Maybe that old man was right. I shouldn't...be alive...because I'm a ghoul." Hinami mumbles

"No, he was wrong. I think that's what your mum was trying to tell you back there. You have the right to live as much as anyone." Kaneki states as everyone stops to look at him

"Yeah..." Hinami smiles as you all continue to walk once more


You sat in the cafe as no customers were in it. Touka accidentally dropped the cups on the floor smashing them to pieces. Nishio stopped in his tracks annoyed at the action that had happened in front of him. You spun on your chair to witness the argument you knew was coming. Enji on the other side pouring you a coffee but stopped after hearing the smashes

"What the hell is the matter with you? You're useless, women." Nishio insults as you snicker at his choice of words

"Excuse me, you better shut your mouth before I shut it full of glass, you misogynist pig!" Touka snaps back

"Oh yeah? You would try that cause you don't know where the trash can is. Hah! I've been here too long to bust cables." Nishio mimics

"Well that's the least you could do, you dick! Because you suck so hard at everything so screw you and your lazy ass! Do us both a favour and quit." Touka spits

"You would love that, wouldn't you? May I remind you, you made one of the strongest ghouls quit because of that attitude." Nishio states pointing towards you

"We have a business to run guys. So is there any chance you can cut back on all the cursing?" Enji suggests with a polite smile

"Quit it, Dumbass!" Touka yells

"Look, I'm a gentlemen. I'm not gonna argue with a lady." Nishio grumbles

"You're a great pair to ignore me like this. Impetuous even. It's like you've never heard the legend of the devil ape." Enji attempts to intimidate. Everyone stopped and looked at him for a while before going back to arguing making you snicker. As for Kaneki who was quietly cleaning Touka's mess

"I'm not lazy!" Nishio shouts

"Oh, yeah you are!" Touka yells

"If I was lazy I wouldn't of gotten into komi. Your lazy ass is never gonna make it into college!" Nishio insults


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