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Before we proceed, here's everything you need to know about the Pansy Plot Shop.

Apart from having a range of different plot makers with unique talents, we also offer a number of services in our plot shop:

- Story Ideas: Do you already have characters in mind, maybe a world setting in place but you're not sure what to write? Then our plot makers will assist you with coming up with a story idea that fits your characters or world setting to help you move your plot forward.

- Plot creation: Our talented plot makers can also help you create a whole new plot, complete with a conflict, characters and personalities, as well as a world setting for your story that is sure to catch your readers' attention and leave them coming back for more.

- Help with writer's block: If you're stuck at a point in the story and are not sure what to write next, our plot makers can help you with ideas to incorporate into the story that will help you move your story forward.

As you can see, we have a whole of services as well as creative plot makers to fulfil your needs, so if you're in need of a plot idea to beat writer's block, a whole new plot, or just a story idea that fits the characters or world you have in mind, all you have to do is pick your favoured plot maker, fill out their form with the specific details of what you need, and a plot that is sure to captivate your readers will be on it's way to you.

credits: poi_son_ivy

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