Lilith opened her eyes, now with confidence and raised her hands in the air right beside her. A red mist coming out of the palm of her hands flowing towards her friends and slowly, filling the whole room. Everyone was able to breath once more, but that was not enough to keep everyone safe. Lilith turned to look towards the void with piercing glaring eyes and directed her right arm at it. The mist surrounding her hand flew immediately inside the void like a bullet. With that action, the void's color became pure white, signaling the end of the poisonous atmosphere.

A moment of silence filled the room. Lilith fell on the ground breathing heavily from the exhaustion and shock. She didn't knew that she was able to do something like this. It made her happy to be of use but the horror and anxiety of action was something that she hoped that she never needed to witness again. But that was just a hopeful wish. Lilith knew that inside this tower was nothing there to protect her from all that.

"Lilith! You did it! You are amazing!" exclaimed Rosemary while running towards Lilith, taking her into a big and warm embrace.

Lilith stared at Rosemary in shock but after a few seconds, she calmed down and her eyes softened. The tower was indeed cruel, but if she had the sweet pink haired girl by her side, she didn't minded any of the horrors and cruelty of the tower. A small smile soon taking place on her lips.

"I'm awesome, aren't I?" she laughed and Rosemary replied with one of her own.

"Good job Lilith! I knew you can do it!" praised Matthew with a smile while Kristine and Dimitri nodded both of their heads in agreement.

"I guess we are lucky. Thanks to you we'll be able to live a while longer!" commented Kristine and Dimitri hit her shoulder with a punch.

"Don't scare the kids like that. Everyone will survive if we are strong enough," scolded Dimitri and then turned to look towards the bloody eyed girl, "You did amazing overpowering the poison. I bet if you practice a bit more you'll find more amazing tricks to use to your advantage."

Lilith's eyes started to water as she hugged a bit more tightly the girl into her arms, "Thank you everyone..."

"Impressive," voiced Terros.

"But that's not enough," added then Ventosis.

With that, eight monsters came out of the white void before them. They were monsters resembling humans made out of stone and precious gems. Their hands made of topaz holding spears made out of adamant, the strongest and unbreakable gem in existence.

"Just great...," mumbled Adrian under his breath as he took a fighting stance.

"Heh, if that's what you Gods want, then so be it!" laughed Kristine now breaking her knuckles.

Lilith finally got up from the ground along with Rosemary and made sure to be careful around the new enemies.

After another moment of silence, the fight had finally begun.

Surprisingly enough, Aurora was the first one to run forward. With her power, she was able to move as fast as lightning right in front of one of the monsters and disarm it. She took its weapon and pointed it at the rest with a slight smirk on her face.

"My turn now~" voiced Kristine and didn't wasted a second to jump into the fight. She dodged an attack from one of the humanoid monsters, slipped behind it and broke its body apart. Her eyes looking greedily at the spear on the ground, "Heh, nice~" she snickered while taking it into her hands, admiring the so called mythical adamant. But her smile soon faded when the monster she had just supposedly killed, was brought back into life. By collecting the dirt on the ground, the monster gathered the gems and created another body for it self, "Oh you have to be fucking kidding me..."

"There surely must be a fatal point that we can hit. Don't loose hope just yet," cheered Dimitri with a smirk as he walked beside the hot headed woman.

"What? Do you intend to use your power again and teleport the monsters somewhere else?" deadpanned Kristine and Dimitri shook his head in denial. He slyly grabbed the spear from Kristine's hands and attacked skillfully the monster before them in its joints. Now with broken hands and legs, the monster was unable to do them any harm. But the surprising part, was that the monster could not rebuild its body like it did before.

"Maybe we have to break the stones in their body, instead of destroying the rocks and dirt like you did," voiced Dimitri in a cocky and mocking manner. A confident smirk plastered on his lips, "You know, I'm just saying." Kristine, now furious stole back the spear from Dimitri's hands and spared a glance at the rest. Aurora had already killed two of them while Matthew and Adrian backed her up. Her eyes widened in anger when Dimitri placed a hand over her right shoulder, "You own me one," he whispered as he rushed to help the rest.

"Tch, you asshole..."

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