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One's knockout came back from his patrol he was in such a rush that didn't realize that he bridged in the main control-room and everybody was confused on what knockout had in his servo's

Breakdown: What's that?

Knockout: a Night Fury

Predaking:it looks like a Dragon

Ocean: well yes I am a Dragon but I'm not a it I'm a she

Shockwave: interesting

Megatron: Soundwave

Soundwave:*nods knowing what he must do*got it

Megatron: good work soundwave play it on screen

Soundwave:*does that*

Everyone in the room was afraid hella even Arachnid was scared nobody was expecting such a small earthly creature to be the Unholy offspring of lightning and Death it's-self ocean felt the fear in the air

Ocean: everyone okay you all seem a little bit scared of something?

Knockout: y-Yes we are o-ok-okay 😰

Breakdown: Knockout were did you get a night fury?!

Knockout: well she just popped up

Ocean: I was just putting the finishing touches to My new home

Breakdown: new home?

Ocean: I lost my old home and I came across a portal that took me here

Dreadwing: what happened to your parents

Ocean: My parents left me to Die when I was only just two years old called me a mistake and Abandoned me

Everyone:*Gasps in horror*

Predaking: that's horrible

Ocean: I know*cheers up*but I had a Care taker who took care of me for three years and her name is Nala*starts crying*b-but Hunters came a-and Nala *sniff's* sacrificed herself for m-me 😢

Everyone in the room was angry and heart broken at the same time a sparkling was left to Die and humans killed her mother-figure and she was All alone

Knockout:o-oh my i-im sorry

Ocean:i-its okay

Breakdown: What's your name?

Ocean: My name is Ocean Nala named me that

Knockout: why?

Breakdown mind: *-___- *Does he seriously not see she has ocean Blue eyes

Ocean: it's because I have ocean blue eyes

Knockout:ohh that makes sense

Breakdown: how did you not know that

Knockout : didn't cross my mind

Breakdown:*face palms* why knockout why?

Ocean: is it okay if I could get my stuff from my cave

Megatron: it's fine you can go

Ocean: thank you lord Megatron

Megatron: How do you know my name?

Ocean: well you had a really high power level and lots of the other's listen to you and knockout told me that we were going to lord Megatron's ship and I put the puzzle pieces together and got it

Everyone wasn't sure what to say about this all that they did know is that this Dragon has rare abilitys Megatron was impressed by this

( time skip by ocean and the night lights dancing to little butterfly )

Everything was done oceans blanket's and stuffy toys were in her protecters room on a night stand

Ocean:*jumps in bed with foxy plushy* comfy

Breakdown:*chuckles*Good night

Knockout: Good night ocean

Ocean: Nighty night everyone ~

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