Escaping Autobots Base

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As soon as they Arrive everyone Heard mini Roars and saw blood on Cliffjumper's windows

O.P: What happened

Cliffjumper: well -~

Jack came out of the front seat while ocean jump over him running away while everyone Gasps in horror while she hides under the control table

June: Oh my

Rachet: what happened?!

Ocean:*crying* I wanna go home 😭😢

O.P: Why is she bleeding like that

Cliffjumper:*rubs back of his neck* well -

Arcce: she threw herself at his Windows until her wings began to bleed

June tries to help her out but she goes deeper under the control table she won't let anyone come close to her

O.P: maby we should leave

All: What?!!

O.P: trust me

Soon they all leave Ocean didn't understand what was happening so she came out of hiding and climbs up the control table

Ocean: okay okay stay calm and escape

Miko: Ahh ha

Ocean:*jumps back* what the heck

As soon as she prest the button the video of Arcce and Cliffjumper kidnapping ocean appears and everybody was watching except ocean who chose to run


Arachnid: leave my child alone

Arcce: she's not yours

Then Cliffjumper comes and snatched ocean while she screamd for help Arachnid gets punched in the face and Arcce and Cliffjumper ran away

(They stop watching video)

Arcce: that's not what happened

Cliffjumper: can we take the video off?

Raf: it's too late now *show's Them*

Yep the video made it to 1.Billion views and no one knew what to do

(With ocean)

She manged to escape and is now running in the Desert until a certain jet fly's twords her

Ocean: is that -!

Starscream:*transformers* Ocean?!

Ocean: Starscream*runs and hugs his ped)

Starscream: I'm so happy i found you*picks her up*

Ocean: I'm happy I saw you too can we go home now please

Starscream: of course*transformers*

Ocean landed on his seat while he flew away

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