Autobot Base

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(*Royal Knight tone* you shall see what was happening with these guys while ocean and knockout were at the Nemesis)   {o.p stand's for Optimus prime}

One's Bumblebee got back to the Base everyone noticed he was kinda Down

O.p: Everything okay Bumblebee you seem as if you failed something

Bumblebee: I kinda did

RAF: what do you mean by that Bumblebee?

Bumblebee: while I was fighting knockout this little black creature came out of nowhere it looked like some kind of lizard and it had wings i tried to grab her to get her to safety but knockout came and took her

Miko: sounds like you found a Dragon

All bots: Dragon??

RAF: it's like a preadcon of earth but they are only just believed to be fairy tails myths and legends

Arcce: what your saying is that Bumblebee actually found a real Dragon

Rachet: did it look something like this?

Rachet: did it look something like this?

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Bumblebee: Yes It Was The Same Thing!

Rachet:* typing* well i can find all the information that was ever received on this creature

o.p: play it on the screen so we can all see

Everyone in the room was in complete Shock and fear Now they know what the Decepticons have kidnapped a night fury

Bumblebee: But she was so sweet and small

Jack: are you sure this is her?

Bumblebee: Yes it was her a even got a scale from her look 
*Pull's out scale*


Indeed it was a jet black scale from the little Baby night fury everyone was in a 100 x more scared hella even Optimus felt fear Now that they know it's real they only had a little bit of doubt

Rachet: unexpected....... But I have something that would help

O.p: what is it?

Rachet: I have been working on something that would tell you all about the person's history if it had the DNA of that person and it should work on Dragon's as well

What they did not know is knockout had the same thing and when ocean was asleep All the cons were about to find out her history as well......... and then they saw

All:*Gasps in horror*

Megatron and Optimus:By the Allspark?!?

Ocean the Night Fury Where stories live. Discover now