Sanjana: (struggling) "Sooraj, where are you taking me? Leave my hand!"

But Sooraj did not let go of her hand.

Sanjana: (irritated sigh) "Didn't I tell you to stay away from me? I don't need anyone to protect me. I can take care of myself. Just leave me alone!"

Suddenly, Sooraj pulled Sanjana close to him and she bumped into his hard chest.

Sooraj: (grabbing her shoulders, angry) "For how long are you going to get bullied like this? Why don't you fight back?"

Sanjana: (turned her face the other way) "Don't tell me what I should do! I'm fine by myself!"


Sanjana looked at Sooraj with widened eyes.

Sooraj: "You think keeping your pains to yourself and not showing your emotions makes you look strong? BUT THAT'S NOT IT! YOU ARE HURTING YOURSELF BY DOING THAT! You should fight for yourself! You should stand up for yourself. Tears are not our weakness. We are humans. We get hurt. Tears show that we are hurt. So, please let out your emotions. Speak up when you are in pain. Don't keep everything to yourself. No one can understand what you are going through unless you share your feelings."

Sanjana looked down, letting her tears fall.

Sanjana: (low voice) "Yes, I'm hurt. I'm in so much pain. It's hurting me so much that I think I might die. Why is life so unfair to me? Why can't everything be alright? But you know what- "

Sanjana looked up. Her eyes were red from crying, her cheeks were stained with tears.


The next thing Sanjana knew she was engulfed in Sooraj's arms.

Sooraj: (caressing her hair, his voice soft) "No, Sanjana, you're wrong! You are not alone. I'm with you. I'll always be with you. I'll give you my shoulders to lean on. Share your pains with me. Don't keep them to yourselves from now on, please."

Sooraj released her and looked into her eyes. Sanjana stood there motionlessly.

Sooraj moved back from her and extended his hand to her. Sanjana looked at his hand, confused.

Sooraj: (smiling softly) "Take my hand, Sanjana. Lean on me. I promise you'll never regret it."

'Again...Those same words...That same stranger...'

'Should I take his hand? Should I trust this stranger? Same question...again'

'I trusted him too. I trusted him and gave my heart which he broke into millions of pieces.'

Sanjana looked at Sooraj's eyes.

'He also had these sincere eyes when he said that he would always protect me. But, in the end, he was the one who hurt me the most.'

Sanjana looked down at his hand and back into his eyes.

Hesitantly, she placed her hand on his. Sooraj's lips curved into a small smile.

Sooraj: (holding her hand) "Thank you for trusting me, Sanjana. I promise you; I'll never leave your hand."

'Why? Why do I trust people so easily? When will I learn my lessons?'

The next day, entering the class, Sanjana saw Sooraj sitting on his seat and studying. Without saying anything, she sat down on her bench.

'Should I say something to him? No, it's better to act normal.'

While taking out her books, Sanjana remembered that she could not do her Physics homework because she could not understand anything.

Sanjana gave out a low sigh. She looked at Sooraj through the corner of her eye but he was still engrossed in his book.

She took out the problem sheet and opened her notebook.

'No matter how often I look at these problems, I can't understand anything.'

'Should I ask him for help? But I, myself told him not to help me in any way.'

Sanjana felt awkward and bit her lower lip. She started fidgeting with her fingers but could not bring herself to say a word.

Sooraj looked at her nervous self through the corner of his eyes and held back his smile.

Sanjana was about to open her mouth when Sooraj spoke up.

Sooraj: (soft voice) "If you need help from me, you just have to ask."

Sanjana turned her face and met Sooraj's eyes looking at her. His lips were curved up in a small smile showing small traces of his dimples.

Sanjana: (caught off-guard) "I-I..."

Sooraj: (looking at the problem sheet) "You need help with the homework?"

Sanjana: (looking down) "Y-yes...I-I can't understand it..."

Sooraj gave out a chuckle and took the sheet and her notebook.

Sooraj: (taking out a pen) "See, I'll show you how to do these."

Sanjana looked up at the notebook and Sooraj started explaining the problems.

To her surprise, Sanjana understood all of them pretty easily.

Sanjana: (looking at her notebook) "You explained them much simpler than the teacher."

Sooraj: (chuckling) "Thanks. If you need any other help, you can ask me."

Sanjana looked at his smiling face.

'I'm still confused about him. About what he wants from me? Why is he so good to me? Does he have some ulterior motive?'

The next day, during the break, Sanjana was walking down the corridor when Sooraj called her from back.

Sooraj: (giving her a notebook) "Here, for you."

Sanjana: (taking it, confused) "What is this?"

Sooraj: (putting his hands in his pockets) "Physics notes. I made these notes for myself but I've completed studying it so you can take it. It'll help you understand the chapters well."

Sanjana's eyes widened as she flipped through the notebook.

Sanjana: (surprised) " can I take this? You worked so hard on these."

Sooraj: (reassuring smile) "No, it's fine. I want you to score good marks."

Sanjana was so thankful that a smile crept upon her lips.

Sanjana: "I don't know how to -"

??: "Hey, Sooraj..."

They turned to the flirty voice to see Pooja coming towards them.

Sooraj: (ignoring her) "You don't have to thank me, Sanjana."

Sanjana: "But- "

Pooja: (moving close to Sooraj and placing her hands on his chest) "Why are you ignoring me, love? I know you're trying to make me jealous. I know you want to date me."

Pooja caressed his cheek.

Sanjana was feeling uncomfortable seeing them like that.

Sanjana: (looking away) "Thank you for the notes, Sooraj. I'll get going now."

Sanjana turned around to walk away but Sooraj held her hand. Sanjana was pulled back beside Sooraj.

Sooraj jerked away Pooja's hand from his face and Pooja moved back, startled.

He came closer to Pooja and brought his face closer to her. Pooja felt a little scared under those sharp eyes.

Sooraj: (cold tone) "You should come out of your imagination. It's not a good place to live in. If you think you can get any boy with your face and body, then you're so wrong! I'm sorry but I'm not Karan Agnihotri."

My Life: Feeling of Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now