11: whore

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I sat there, my leg bouncing up and down i am so nervous.
I have no idea how harry will take this,
Or if his first question is going to be "is it because of him?", since the past weeks hes been jealous of me and chris, even tho there is nothing between us, Sadly.
The door opened as the bell rang signaling that someone had entered the diner, he walked in immediantly scanning the room for me.
He didnt seem relaxed, when he walked over to me and mumbled a 'hey' before sitting down in front of me, waiting for me to start talking.

A waitress came over, asking us if we wanted to order. "No thank you, sadie. Were fine" his gaze didnt leave me for a second.
The waited walked away, and he just burst out.
"So you slept over at his, huh?"
"Since you left before i even woke up, that was my last choice. Dont be a little kid, harry."
"You could have told me! ' his body lauange told me all i needed to know, since i used to learn it.

"Well i didnt, okay? i fainted, for fucks sake." I was done w him, the way he didnt trust me or how he always thougth i cheated on him.
"Its fine, i went home w lily anyways." He mumbled.
"This isnt working out, harry."
"What?! Why?!" He furrowed his eyebrows, placing both of his arms up on the table.
"Its just.." i struggled on which reason to say out of the 2000.
"Your just not the one for me.
And i saw the text messages anyway, i know you cheated on me w lily."

He stayed quiet.
"Im sorry but- is this because of him?"
He said, like he didnt even cheat on me.
"That doesnt matter.'
"Oh yeah it definently does, fucking hell!
Its all because of him, isnt it?!" He smiled while raising his voice at me.
Some of the tables around us got a little bit quiet, but i dont think he noticed as much as me.
"Can you just-"
"I knew there was something between you guys!" He was so angry, i dont even know i know him anymore.

"There isnt, you dickhead!
I fainted multiple times and you didnt even care! And you cheated on me!
And you still think i respect you?
You used me for my body, ffs!"
I lost myself, but still scared of him.
I always got sensitive when people yelled at me, its a trauma response ig.
I cant deal w him using me, and the way i feel so unsafe and useless around him.

He stood up, his hands in fists.
"Whatever, you probably even slept whit him. Your going to regret this, soo bad. You wish you never let me go at all.
I'ii get my revenge, you whore." He turned around and walked out of the diner, leaving me there.
I dont know what he meant by that, but that def did scare me a little.
Idk what hes planning, but i dont like it.
Its not like he could do anything, but yk what i mean.

While tears formed in my eyes, i pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed Chris's number.
He picked up almost instantly,his voice concerned.


"Jaz?are you okay?"

"Yeah,can we just meet up please?
I need to talk this bullshit out." My voice shaky.

"I'ii be there in 5.'

"Thank you"


I walked out of the diner to find chris' car parked, him looking rigth at me when i walked out.
I went and sat inside the car, him already noticing everything.
His legs spread out, his hand resting on the wheel, i could never take my eyes off of him. He had grey sweatpants and a black hoodie on, but whatever he wore he always looked good. He looks soo good driving, i thougth in my head.

"You wanna go get ice cream?"
"Oh definently "
He always could ligthen up my mood somehow, like when i was w him everything and everyone around us dissapeared. It was just us two, in our own world.
We arrived and got our icecream, him paying like he always insisted on.
We sat down in the park, sitting on a bench i rested my head on his shoulder, him giving me time to speak.

Chris has opened up more and more to me since the day we met.
Nick always reminds me that he doesnt do that w anyone else, or how he is always speaking about me, but i just ignore. I could never believe that he would like me. I thougth he doesnt care,but maybe he does.
Since the dinner at their house, i have been ignoring the fact that i havent seen chris w anybody in a while.
I learned to just not bring it up, because i do not want to see chris and a girl making out in front of me again.
That was suicide.

"I broke up w him."

Chris's pov

My insides told me to kiss her rn, but i couldnt.
I was soo happy that that toxic dickhead and her isnt together anymore.
I could scream rn, im so happy.
"Im proud of you."
This seemed to make her sensitive even more, as i watched her smile became bigger and bigger and how her cheecks flushed red.
"How did he take it?"

"Well..his first question was if its because of you.. and that he always knew i had something w you."
I stayed quiet, listening to her.
"He acted like he didnt even cheat and called me a whore."
"A whore?"
"He said i probably even slept w you."
"Jesus christ, he really is a child"
"Then he said something about him getting his revenge and how im going to regret it, but i just ignored.'
" hes such a dickhead.'
"Its okay. Im glad im done w him."
She smiled.
"And why would he even think we slept together?'
"I- he wanted to. Whit me. Multiple times since the start of our realationship. But i just couldnt. I didnt feel safe around him, and i wasnt comfortable at all. Whenever i declined he would get mad at me and not speak to me for days."

"Im so sorry. You dont deserve that.
He is disgusting. "
I took another scoop of my icecream when her phone rang, she took it out of her pocket and shut it off.
"Its bee. She wants me home.'
"Its okay, i can take you home"
"Thank you" she smiled, as we both got up from the bench and walked towards the car.
"Honestly, if you hadnt texted her, she would have freaked out." She laughed while getting into the passenger seat
"She always worries, its so funny.
She needs to learn that when youre w me she doesnt have to." I started the car.

I had texted bree the nigth before about what happened and that jaz is sleeping over at ours. I promised her i would take her home tomorrow.

( Last nigth )


Bianca rivera

Im jasmine's friend
And she was iceskating w us today but she fainted. We took her to the hospital and they let her home, but this isnt the first time she fainted. Shes sleeping over, i'ii get her home tomorrow i promise.
Shes safe here, please dont worry.

Thank you for texting me.
I wont worry, ik shes in good hands.


"Here we are" i parked the car and smiled at her.
"Thank you, for everything.'
She said, before she got out of the car and waved to me before going into the house.
I drove home, and walked inside into the living room where matt and nick sat, watching a movie.
"How is she?" Nick asked me.
"She broke up w him "

"Yeah but then he said something about that he knew its because of me and that we probably slept together and called her a whore."
"Ughh i just hate him. Cannot stand that dude" matt groaned.

1400 words

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