6. Noeul

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Sweetheart. Fucking Sweetheart?

He needs to stop calling me Sweetheart or I'll get a voodoo doll with his face on it and stab it to death.

Better yet, I'll rip it limb to limb.

I keep aside my thoughts for now and step back to an arm's length. If I keep enough distance he won't be able to catch me.

There's no way in hell I'll let him trap me like yesterday.

This time, I'll either scream or run.

Yup. Sounds like a plan.

I gulp, but it lodges in my throat like an external object. No pep talk or courage could erase the memory of yesterday. No pep talk could convince the nerves tingling with suffocating fear that I'm fine.

My limbs are screaming at me to run.


Never look back.

I don't.

Running away from someone who gets off on vulnerability and struggle isn't the smartest thing to do.

He'd chase me easily. Hell. I'm sure the psycho devil would enjoy it too.

And who'll come out victorious?
Yeah. Not me.

So instead of flight, I choose fight.

I take a deep breath and lift my chin, calling all the courage I have left.

But the moment I meet his cold dark gaze, most of that courage falters. The thing about Boss? He's so well-put-together.

Perfect face.

Perfect body.

Perfect style.

On the majority of days, he refrains from wearing a tie, still the school's uniform appears to have been tailored for his robust, toned- muscular body.

His entire appearance is another asset he uses to intimidate.

To charm.

To screw everyone over.

I was completely captivated by his charm from the very moment I laid eyes on him. From a distance, he appeared to be a divine being, almost god-like. But as I got closer, I discovered the horrifying truth - he was nothing more than a monstrous creature in disguise.

Since he choked me in front of the entire school and announced he'd destroy me, I realised that his entire look is a façade.

Now, all I can see when I look into his steel eyes is an empty void.

The hate.

The Black rage.

It's baffling to me how everyone seems to turn a blind eye to it. Are they completely under his spell or they simply don't care.

That's what it means like to be king, isn't it? He can be corrupt all he wants. Hell he can order a war that would leave half the nation dead and the other half starving, and the ones who remains alive will still chant "Long live the king!".

It's not out of love. No. It's out of fear.

People naturally gravitate towards power and in IES, Boss is IT.

"You ran away from school yesterday" he says matter-of-factly.

"I didn't run away. I had a family emergency" I would've patted myself if I could. That lie came out perfect. And he doesn't know if I live alone or not.

Shoving his hands in his pocket, he studies me up and down. His gaze lingers on my left chest as if he's trying to burn a hole through my shirt.

It takes everything in me not to cross my arms over my chest.

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