But, I'm even more happy that Ty's home and that's all that matters to me. 

"You gotta take me shopping for baby girl." I smiled as he rubbed my thigh. We pulled into Rylo's driveway causing him to cut the car off. 

"Ight, where you wanna go?" He asked, getting out of the car and opening the door for me. He grabbed my hand as we walked to the front door.

"Um, the mall first." I smiled as I knocked the door. I heard yelling behind the door causing me to furrow my eyebrows and look at Ty who was giving the same look. Rylo opened the door, breaking down once he saw us. 

"Oh my fuck." He groaned. "You gotta stay out here." Jordan came around Rylo and stood in front of me. 

"Why?" Me and Ty spoke at the same time. 


I knew that voice. Mia? I pushed past Jordan and Rylo to see the rest of them crowding the living room. All of them standing in front of Mia, blocking her off from getting to that 'Unique' bop she told me about yesterday. She told me all about Ty and Unique and how when he was teaching her how to correctly make plays, they would go to Unique sometimes and Ty would tell her shit about Unique. I wasn't gonna let some old shit get in the way of what me and Ty got going now, but I'm tired of bitches coming at me or even faking friends wit me bout Ty.

"Why is you even here?" I scuffed. 

"Because, one of ya'll bitches put ya'll hands on my bitch." Unique's nigga, Akbar, spat. 

"BITCH?" So many voices sounded off.

"It was this bitch, you fat ass Bill Cosby looking mothafucka!" Mia spat. In front of Mia was her dude, Rob. Rob used to be a robber. He was tall and skinny, but he was strong as fuck. He punched Rob, sending him flying into the wall. Unique tried to sneak Mia, but Mia ate that punch and slung her to the ground. 

Ty grabbed me, putting me behind him. Rob and Akbar fought as Rylo ran around trying to keep things from falling. It ended with Rob stomping his face in. Mia and Unique fought, everybody just watching since Unique was losing once again. Eventually, Akbar and Unique dipped and everybody had to help clean. 

Mia's lip was busted since Unique had heels on and kicked her in the mouth. "Come on." I pushed past Ty and grabbed Mia's hand, taking her to the bathroom where I cleaned her cut and put some ointment on the swelling. "I'm sorry, boo." I frowned as I cleaned things up.

"Girl, it is okay." Mia laughed. "I don't play that fighting while you pregnant shit. I lost my son like that and to this day it still wasn't worth it."

"Why ya'll fight?" I asked, putting the stuff away and leaning against the cabinet. 

"Rob." She laughed. "The only difference is, Rob had been fucking her, I was just the baby mama." She shook her head before looking down. "It took for me to lose my child for him to realize I was the one he wanted to be with."

"Oh hell no, and you accepted that?"

"Oh no, for over two years I ghosted him, healed, and lived my life. He told me he would wait, so when I wanted him, I showed up unannounced at his door and he let me in." She laughed. "It was childish, but I had shit I had to figure out before just getting into a relationship with a person who caused me so much pain. But love overcame all that."

"How did you know it was worth it?" I mumbled, looking down at my hands. 


"All that pain just to have him." I tried not to cry, but I couldn't help it. Me and Ty have been through a lot together, I'm having his child, I've put my life on hold just so I could adjust to his. Is it really worth it? "Just to have somebody that loves you?"

"Baby." She frowned, getting up to hug me. "Tyreek loves you. And, yeah, sometimes in relationships your past comes and bites you in the ass. But, it's only the devil tryna stop something so good." She wiped my tears and looked at me. "You and Ty are meant for each other-"

"But how do I know that, Mia? Nobody knows that for sure." I cried. 

"That man makes you happy, Adrianna. Everyday he was gone, all you would talk about was him. Every time someone said his name, yo smile would just be so bright. Every time he called, you'd stop mid conversation, no matter what, to answer. The looks on ya'll faces at that party, baby." She laughed. "Ya'll got something special. Something people are gonna try to get in the way of because they are lonely, sad, and miserable, and misery loves company. They want it for themselves, but they could never have it because ya'll are Adrianna and Tyreek." She spat.

 "There is no love in the world like ya'll's because every love is different. Ya'll are loyal. Ya'll are good people. And ya'll are pregnant." She laughed, rubbing my stomach causing me to laugh and wipe my tears. "He bought you a house, mama. That man wants to spend the rest of his life wit you."

"I just feel bad that you had to fight for me." I laughed, wiping my tears. I've never really had friends of my own, so to have one like Mia was new to me. She shook her head folding her arms. "I'd do it a thousand more times, mama. I see something in you that I like, so we cool now and that's that." She shrugged. 

"Okay." I laughed, hugging her. She hugged me back. 

"I'm taking you to the mall wit me, you need a break." I smiled. 

"And ima help you make that list." She nodded, eyeing me. I nodded back as I made my way to the guest room where I used to sleep. Tyreek was boxing things up. I folded my arms up, leaning against the wall. 

He turned around and seen me, getting up to sit on the bed. "Are you mad at me?" He asked. 

"I don't know, yet." I shrugged. I'm actually not mad at him. Now that I'm in my right mind, I know that the list isn't gonna change how I feel. I just wanna make sure. 

"I'm sorry, it's my fault-"

"It's not your fault, baby." I smiled, sitting down next to him and leaning my head on his shoulder. 

"Yo friend got hurt." 

"She stronger than she looks, man." I laughed causing him to crack a small smile. 

"So, you don't wanna know-"

"Mia told me all I need to know, Ty." I smiled, grabbing his hands. "I'm going to the mall with Mia. We can go shopping for the baby later."

"Okay." He rubbed the back of my hand. 

We just sat there for a minute before he spoke up again. "I'm glad I came back." He mumbled. I smiled, squeezing his hand. 

"Me too." 

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