what if girls was really obsess part 1

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we see our little rainbow boy wear  spider clan on SMG4  castle on  roof top but with anti venom eat some chocolate bar and talk he brothers

Lincoln, so guys how you doing today

anti venom come out of him and he look at Lincoln

anti venom, nothing much but hey at least we have a nice day today hehe

fleetway, I agree with brother now we can relax and enjoy peace and quiet an-

they hear screaming in the living room and they look at fleetway with

exe slayer, you had jinx it don't you

blue error, really fleetway come on

error 404, can we had a good day sight

terment, this be something

majin pain, let what happened now because I'm get sick of this

raw, really I'm let us go before something happens

Lincoln climb down and anti venom form back he normal clothes and he walk in and see Mario and SMG4 fight

Mario, you eat my spaghetti you bitch

SMG4, I didn't eat you spaghetti you fat fuck

Mario charge at SMG4 but Lincoln got  between them try calm them down

Lincoln, what happened what now

Mario, this mother fucked eat my spaghetti

SMG4, nuh uh while he had one finger wave with it to Mario


Lincoln, Mario I will make new spaghetti if you stop

Mario stop and look at Lincoln

Mario, you will

Lincoln, yes


Lincoln, oh boy

anti venom in he head

anti venom, (oh boy indeed)

Lincoln make a spaghetti for Mario and he gives to Mario and was happy and goes to room but he was stop by Tari

tari, hi Lincoln

Lincoln, oh hey Tari

tari, hey you had time to play some video game with me and Belle say with smile on her face

Lincoln, yea I can

tari, great come on Belle  waiting for us let go

Lincoln, okay I'm coming

belle was on couch waiting for them

tari, hey belle sorry for waiting

Belle, it fine and hi Lincoln

Lincoln, hey belle

tari, we gonna play marvel vs Capcom

tari sit on Left side and Belle sit on right side they wait for Lincoln and he sit down on couch waiting for game start up and Tari and Belle look at Lincoln

 InkOctoling Rainbow Boy Who Had Suffer But Keep On Smile But We Can Heal HimWhere stories live. Discover now