meet rainbow inkoctoling boy and meet smg4 and meet old friend

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We story start with our little rainbow boy inkopolis play turf wars and won he don't care about coins form it he want fun but as know of him was forgot something in important that was

Lincoln, hahaha that fun now what do now hmmm oh right I forgot gonna meet smg4 welp time goes go to the castle

after he say turn around see warp pipe and goes in it and come out warp pipe was in mushroom Kingdom Lincoln walk to Castle and knock on door and someone open was our meme lord SMG4

SMG4, hey so you are Lincoln right

Lincoln, yes sir and you are

SMG4, I'm smg4 nice meeting you

Lincoln, nice meeting you too

SMG4, but I gonna ask are you hot under all that and I like half mask and hypno shades look badass

Lincoln, oh thanks and no I Wear this all time

SMG4, ok well come in and meet others

Lincoln, ok

SMG4 and Lincoln walk in to Castle and people was talking but they stop and look our inkoctoling

???, SMG4 who this guy

SMG4, well he want live with us if princess say so

Lincoln, wait I thought you buy this castle

SMG4, no princess peach had castle and if break wall or whole castle you had build it


SMG4, yeaaaa sorry i forgot tell you hehe anyway meet yourself to others

Lincoln, ok my name is Lincoln the inkoctoling and nice meeting you guys

After he say the two girls goes to him orange hair and pink hair Wear purple sweater

???/???, you inkling/octoling

Lincoln, umm actually I'm both

???/???, BOTH

SMG4, girls stop yelling at him

???/???, what if we don't believe in you

after they say that Lincoln he take off half mask and hypno shades and hoodie off he head two girls and boys was shock and surprise he rainbow ink and he fix hair and look them

lincoln, now believe

two girls nod

lincoln, anyways who are you guys

???, name Meggy and she desti nice to meet you linky

Lincoln give cute smile looking at them two girl was make blush won't stop look at him SMG4 push way and next blue hair had one robot arms

???, Hi meet you I'm name is Tari and you love games

Lincoln, yes I love games and challenges and fight I make weapons and gasterblasts and turf war and sing

after say girls walk to him look at him

???, can you make hammer

Lincoln, of course you want see

???, YES

Lincoln, gaster war hammer come right up

Lincoln summoned gaster war hammer

 InkOctoling Rainbow Boy Who Had Suffer But Keep On Smile But We Can Heal HimWhere stories live. Discover now