start make plan and try hide to them

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everyone is sleeping and girls was in tari room and they had nightmare at shroomy camping and see Bear slash Lincoln in back and Lincoln use he magic to kill bear and girls goes over to Lincoln and see bloody or ink
coming out


meggy, linky please say something

Lincoln was not talk and meggy get worried about this

Meggy, Linky please say something anything

Lincoln is dead

meggy, LINKY

meggy wake up and see girls are wake up as well same nightmare

meggy, girls had nightmare to

girls nods to meggy

Marie, we though our inkoctoling is dead because those bastards hurt our inkoctoling

Callie, think we kill them

girls hear about this and look at Callie and Marie hit her on head

Marie, we not doing that

tari, how about this if we make plans to take care of our inkoctoling

Frye, what if he escape again

meggy, he won't because we work together

marina, if he don't loves us I have a lv in it is cyan ink pump to him and I can rewind of he pretty he head of he and he be mindcontrol

Callie, I still have shade form dj Octavia and if we fix it and put on him and will listening to music

meggy, we hide to woods and find abandoned house

pearl, now we know our plan what boys come to find him

girls thinking about it and meggy got idea

meggy, boys going out tomorrow while Lincoln stay here and make our move

girls agree

meggy, okay now I'm gonna check on linky he okay

marina, can I come with you

meggy, okay come

they open door to see Lincoln and he still sleep and walk to him and see him close and marina

marina, awwww he sooo cuite I want hug him so much

Meggy, yea I know I want kiss him right now but we wait and come on we have to go back

Marina, okay but first I'm gonna take pictures of him please

meggy, aright make quick

marina take pictures of him he sleep and walk away and shut door quiet and goes back tari room

melony, he okay

meggy, yeah he fine and Marina takes pictures of him

agent 8, can we see him

marina take out her phone and show them pictures of him and girls look at him sleep in silence

agent 4, soo cuite

Captain, I want him sleep with me

shiver, I will keep him safe

meggy, okay girls calm down now and we in to sleep and remember the plan

girls nods and went sleep

next morning

Lincoln was wake up and goes change he clothes and see boys talk

 InkOctoling Rainbow Boy Who Had Suffer But Keep On Smile But We Can Heal HimOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora