challenge for Lincoln

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Lincoln talk to Luigi but then SMG4 Walk to Lincoln

SMG4, hey Lincoln you got a challenge

Lincoln, really what is it

SMG4 show the challenge

??? Hey Lincoln can drink some

girls and boys hear about this and saiko bring a bottle of strong in world wine and pull in cup

saiko, here go senpai in joy an-

Lincoln, grab the whole bottle bottle and

and boys and girls was surprised shocked this

saiko, my my senpai you drink whole bottle~ while bit her lips

Lincoln throw the flip it bottle and

Empty land on cap and boys and girls was Shock


Lincoln, so when is gonna kick in look SMG4 crew and Splatoon girls

saiko, about 1 minutes

minutes 1 later

Lincoln was not drunk and look boys and girls

Lincoln, welp just guess I'm going to bathroom and if throw up then it kicked in

Lincoln goes Barthroom and wait in there

Lincoln, well that was somethings unless I ever drinkin my whole life damn well let's see happened

15 minutes later

SMG4, he stayed in there while do you think he okay

Tari, I'm gonna check on him come on girls

girls goes bathroom and knock on door

tari, my little hero you are okay we come in and check on you

tari open door and see Lincoln and


girls run over to Lincoln and rub he back and feel he dizzy

Lincoln, my huff fuc-

He puke again and

Lincoln, t huff tari get me some huff juice and some medicine please

tari, okay i be back okay little hero

tari cup pull it in glass of juice and some medicine pills and Walk back in the bathroom and waiting for him stop puke

tari, here open you mouth please

Lincoln open he mouth and Tari pills in there and closed and swallow it and sip he juice and Tari pick him up and put he room and put him down on bed and meggy grab a bucket for him land on floor and she rub he head and then they leave and shut door

Tomorrow morning and Lincoln wake up and see a bucket full with he puke and put he half mask pick up of bucket put outside and put in garbage bag and tide up and throw away in dumpster and went back inside and he see boys and girls look at Lincoln
and SMG4 goes him

SMG4, all are right Lincoln

Lincoln, I'm fine that was terrible last night and I'm not gonna do drinking challenge anymore look at SMG4 and he nod

SMG4, this my fault

Lincoln, no is not it was my fault because I be in the depression long time ago and and need you to drink to forget bad remember you been through and I also I drink whole bottle to forget pain and people who be dick to me and beat shit out of me he while looking at SMG4 and girls was crying from this he say and walk to he and SMG4 say

SMG4, you want talk about it

Lincoln stop and he look at boys and girls

Lincoln, n no it fine Im good I'm take nap please don't wake up okay

Lincoln shut door and SMG4 crew and Splatoon girls worries about Lincoln

SMG4, you hear him say don't wake him up just leave him alone

Meanwhile Lincoln

Lincoln land on bed and sleep and bit tear coming out and come down he face and

Lincoln, besides you guys don't know the pain I've been through

to be continued

 InkOctoling Rainbow Boy Who Had Suffer But Keep On Smile But We Can Heal HimNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ