what if girls found him and help him part 2

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we can Lincoln was in turf war it was rank match and he doing good and keep protect he team and girls watch him with pink heart eyes and he team is nick and Alex spider and killsquid and random inkling vs killer ink he goes off boys was surprised and girls as well and killer squid corner him


Lincoln didn't say anything and run after killer squid team starts fire at Lincoln and he started spinning and dodge shots

girls and he team look at Lincoln with surprised and girls look at Lincoln and killer squid team they got splat at Lincoln and he stop and he started spinning he gun with smile on he face and he team

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girls and he team look at Lincoln with surprised and girls look at Lincoln and killer squid team they got splat at Lincoln and he stop and he started spinning he gun with smile on he face and he team

Lincoln, come on boys lets win this and garb rainmaker and run at enemy and team just spawn and goes try get rainmaker and they see Lincoln on top of pedestal and Lincoln look at killer squid with he smile on he face

Lincoln, greeting dunk on

he slam rainmaker to enemy team pedestal and he team won and girls look at Lincoln with pink heart eyes and he went out and he team want talk to him

Alex spider, hey you did good

Nick, that was badass

killersquid, hell yea you got skill buddy what you name

Lincoln, name is Lincoln the inko-

???, ohhh our little inkoctoling~

Lincoln turn around and see SMG4 girls and Splatoon girls with smile on they face and Alex spider and Nick see dark squid and major octoling

Alex spider, dark squid

Nick, you...

dark squid and major octoling look at Nick and Alex spider and they charge at dark squid and major octoling but Lincoln got way in front of them they stop and look at Lincoln

Alex spider, what you doing protect her

Nick, and that brother killer

Lincoln, what guys talking about

Alex spider, she one try kill me and my friends and take over inkopolis

Nick, and that bitch killed my brother and killed everyone in inkopolis

Lincoln, look at dark squid and major octoling and look back Alex spider and Nick

Lincoln, I think they don't that

Nick and Alex spider look at Lincoln with mad

Nick, so you choose a with them well that guess

Alex spider and Nick punch Lincoln but major octoling and dark squid grab them and look back at Lincoln

major octoling, are you okay our little dark inkoctoling

Meggy goes Lincoln hug behind him and desti look at Nick and Alex spider

 InkOctoling Rainbow Boy Who Had Suffer But Keep On Smile But We Can Heal HimWhere stories live. Discover now