chapter 38

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We live and we die, that's the way of life, so I thought. What if all the bad things that has happened to us was for a reason 

Juliet went through hell with Jacob but i wont get into it

Juliet turned evil for a short while and loved it but Carlos and Lavender helped her find her way back 

It was like all she needed was her kids. Maybe just maybe one day Lavender and i will have an epic love story like Juliet and my father but i just hope that mine don't end up with a bad ending like she did 

Juliet may have forgiven him that day when he turned up at our house with tears but a few months later when she found him in their bed with uncle Emmet naked she went crazy and killed them both 

And that night she felt herself go so weak that her last word where to lavender and i 

Juliet: listen i don't have much time but in the safe there a note that will tell you what to do the code is 888

And just like that she was gone Lavender and Carlos cried all night but for me let's say my curiosity got to me 

All night i was trying to understand what this letter meant

My beautiful children

You finding this means i'm gone and for that i'm so so sorry as you have found this letter i'll be quick but i need you girls to use your minds to understand me 

Lavender you are so strong but do you know our family history 

Renesmee i may have not given birth to you but i did some digging on your family history and lets just say i'm sorry you wasn't able to get your letter 

Take care and look after your brother for me please 

Yours truly 

- Juliet Moore 

I may not understand this now but trust me i will get to the bottom of this one way or another


Ooo and now my secret vampire is now over but its not the end get ready for book 2 for Renesmee and Lavender story 

My secret vampire|| Edward Cullen book 1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon