chapter 25

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"Are you sure you will be ok?" Edward asked Lavender and I where about to leave "yes we will be fine" he kissed my head and Lavender and i went to leave the house 

But just before i was about to leave the house i felt something "oh and Edward" he looked at me worried "yeah" "get out my head" he chucked and Lavender and i left to go to the airport 

As we sat in the aeroplane waiting to reach new york Lavender tapped my shoulder so i took out one of my airpods

"What's wrong sweetie" she had a worried look on her face "what if they dont like me" i looked at her confused and she continued "what if they treat me how they treated you"

I put my hand on her cheek "then you call your dad and he will come and get you then he will call me and i'll get on the next flight to bring you back"

Her father and i may not get along but one thing we do agree on was if my parents say or do anything he will get in the car and come get her and contact me straight away 

As we landed i could see my parents waiting for Lavender but when they saw me they had an angry look on there face 

"What are you doing here" my mother said annoyed "nice to see you too mum" 

"What your mother means is why are you here we were expecting just Lavender" my father said trying to calm the tension but just before i could speak Lavender spoke "i told you guys that mum was coming to drop me" 

I looked at lavender confused. She never called me mum, it was always mama, so what changed? 

"Ok you can go now" mum said trying to get me back on the plane but something didn't sink, something was wrong 

"Mum why are you trying to get rid of me so fast" "nothing nothing now leave" i knew i couldn't leave her in the same house as them now, not if shes planning something 

"Lavender why don't i stay and we can stay in an hotel room and if you want to go spend the day with them i'll come with you" Lavender nodded but my parents didn't seem to like the idea 

Lavender and i got in the taxi and went to the hotel i had booked for me and i told them i would need it open for a month and they seemed ok with it

My secret vampire|| Edward Cullen book 1Where stories live. Discover now