Chapter 2

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Later that night i was trying to sleep but I kept getting this feeling that someone was watching me 

I woke up at 3 am and I couldn't take the feeling anymore. I looked around my room and no one was there but for some reason my window was wide open.

It was weird cause i remembered that i closed it after i got back from the funeral today 

I let it go thinking i must have thought i closed it, i went downstairs to make myself a hot chocolate that's what my mum used to do to me when i couldn't sleep a night 

Normal people would make a warm cup of milk but because my dad was allergic to milk he had this crazy theory that I'm allergic and all his grandkids will be too and because my mum is married to him that it would have passed on to her.

I know it's crazy just like him. 

As i was making warming up my oat milk i heard the door knock i started to panic cause who would knock at 3am 

I grab my baseball bat that i keep under the sink incase of emergency i have a few baseball bats hidden around the house 

I walked to the door looked in the hole and saw it was Charlie i instantly started to worry i opened the door for him and he looked up "i was worried your in a big house alone so i thought to check up on you" 

I laughed and let him in. i told him he could say in the guest room for as long as he needed to

We walked in the room and he said, "Are you pregnant or one of your friends?" he asked "i was a few years ago but right now she's staying with her dad until i get her room ready"

I told him goodnight took my hot chocolate to my room and went to sleep


Over the next few weeks Edward has been coming over to my place. Sometimes he would cook and then Charlie would come over once a week to check up on me. To be honest I think he misses Bella so he's been like a father to me ever since I moved back to town.

I was in the kitchen on the phone shouting at my ex when Edward came in i smiled at him and told my ex i'll see him later then put the phone down annoyed

"Is everything ok?" Edward asked concerned i've never had someone who was worried about me i signed then said "my ex just put my daughter on the plane by herself" 

He looked shocked that i had a daughter but then again so did everyone when they find out i have a child "you got a child" i looked down cause i was embarrassed cause that was when my parents started to hate me and to be honest i feel like the only reason they let me move here was so i could get out of their faces.

"Yeah she's 3 i wasn't going to bring her yet cause i wanted to get her room ready first but now i can't" he walks up to me putting his hand on my chin making me look at him then said "let me get my family to help" 

I looked at him confused "but how i have to be at the airport in 2 hours" he told me to trust him and for some reason i did.

Just as we was about to leave to go to the airport one of his family his sisters i think he said her name was Alice she told me she has everything under control I smiled at her then Edward and i got in the car and he drove off

My secret vampire|| Edward Cullen book 1Where stories live. Discover now