chapter 20

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The next few weeks we packed the house and went back to forks, it's like no matter how far you go, you will always be brought back to forks. You could be on a different planet and somehow you're back in forks, u guess that means the town likes you and doesn't want you going anywhere else.

As we arrived in the new house edward showed us all our rooms and for some reason he put me and him together i tried to ask him but he just brushed it off

After everyone unpacked the girls went out for a bit and edward went hunting with his brothers, well at least i think their his brothers he never really explained it properly to me

I'm sitting in the living room with carlos feeding him dinner when i head the door knock i want to open it i saw Alice, Rose and Esmee standing there smiling at me

I chuckled told them "you know you don't have to knock your Edward family you can come in whenever you want" "told you we should have just walked it" Rose said as she hit Alice on the head, Alice got nervous ands said "well we didn't know if you and Edward would be you know" 

I didn't know what she was talking about and then it hit me "OMG NO not around the kids" Esmee sat next to Carloss and started feeding him but when she asked "speaking of kids we know why Renesmee grows fast but you never told us why Lavender grows fast"

i smirked and said "that's because i never told anyone" "yeah what has it been like 2 years already and Lavender is a like what 13 years old already" Alice said as she sat down next to me

I took a deep breath knowing i have to tell someone "ok so i have this genetic thing where if you have a child with a supernatural your child will... automatically become that supernatural" i said the last words quietly hoping no one would notice

"So what is she then" Rose asked "she's like ren half vampire but she's also half witch"

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