Chapter 33

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It had been a few days and Carlisle has been worried about his wife no one would let him go look for her or any of them look for Esme

Juliet has been camping on the wolf side but keeping an eye on all of them

As Juliet was watching edward trying to calm down Bella, Brady comes up to Juliet 

Brady: Sam wants us to bring you back

Juliet: why

Brady: not sure all i know is to bring you back 

Juliet nodded and then followed him 

As she walked in the house she noticed something was different Emily grabbed Juliet and pulled her into a different room 

Juliet: Emily whats wrong

Emily: they sent Seth and Leah here 

Juliet looked worried when she said that 

Juliet: what why

Emily: they want back in the back in the pack

Juliet: thats bull they are trying to see if im back and with you

Emily: what makes you say that

Juliet: because i'm always with one of you Alice cant see me or the kids

Sam: so we don't except them back in the pack then

Embry: why don't we let them in but keep them away from Juliet

Emily: so we can keep an eye on the Cullens 

Juliet and Sam look at eachother then nod. Emily takes juliet out of the house with one of the pack to stay near her while sam walks out

Sam: i've thought about it

Leah: and

Sam: yes you can join the pack again under one condition

Seth: and what's that

Sam: you keep an eye on the Cullens and all them


Seth: we will do it 

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