chapter 28

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Throughout the whole fight Lavender didn't know what to say. This new information made her grateful that she had a mother that would protect her thought thick and thin

Lavender ran up to her mother and wrapped her arms around her tightly 

Juliet: Lavender?

Lavender: yes mum

Juliet: just know no matter what happens edward and i will never let anything bad happen to you ok

Lavender: ok 

As we got to our house lavender and i saw edward came out and stopped us from going on 

Juliet: Edward whats wrong

Edward: i need to warn you about something before you go in

Lavender: it's not like someone who mums knows that is dead is sitting inside or something 

Lavender laughed but thats then i noticed something or should i say someone walking inside the house i pushed Edward a side and walked in the house, i ignored edward screaming my name and just before i walked in emmet picked me up and walked outside with me on his shoulder

Juliet: if me and you were not in serious relationships this would have turned me in

Emmet: same 

Juliet: so then wanna put me down cause i think i know whos inside

Emmet: no can do Edward was not done walking

Juliet: oh please i think i know who it is or should i say was 

Emmet stopped in his tracks when he heard what i said

Emmet: w-what do you mean to

Juliet: Emmet just by the way you reacted i can tell it was someone i know who had passed away so it was ever Jacob

Emmet: no way is not him 

He started walking again

Juliet: so it was Bella 

Just by hearing her name he stopped walking again, he put Juliet down and looked at her guilty, Juliet laughed

Juliet: listen i'm not worried or jealous she's dead and i'm his there's nothing to worry about 

Emmet: but that's the thing... Alice brought her back to life agai

Just before i could say anything the door opens 

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