"I think we both know the answer to that." He states. His hand slides further and further down until I stop him. "Inappropriate yet?"

"Blaine Sousa." I scold.

"Cassandra Harper." He copies. "Yes or no?"

"Yes, it's inappropriate." I answer.

"You weren't saying that on the plane ride here-"

"Blaine." I scold again.


"Shut up." I say and he laughs in response. "Let's go." I say getting out of the car.

Blaine follows after me as I stride over to the door. He walks quickly for a few seconds so that he can catch up and walk by my side. He takes my smaller hand in his larger one.

There's guards standing at the door. They watch as we approach. "Name?" One of the guards asks.

"Cassandra." I state.

He looks down at the list in front of him in search of my name.

"You're not on the list." He says. Well obviously not.

Blaine is about to speak up when I stop him. "I don't need to be on the list, I think you can make an exception." I state.

"Miss, I'm not-" He pauses when I take the shiny Kashmir Sapphire out of my purse. "Oh." He pauses. "You're Cassandra Harper."

My smile widens at the fact that he knows who I am. "My reputation precedes me." I say because I've always wanted to say that.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience, go on inside." He says apologetically. He hurriedly tries to open the huge door behind him but because he's rushing it I assume it takes him longer than normal.

As Blaine and I walk through the threshold, our arms now intertwined, Blaine leans over slightly to whisper to me. "You do realise I'm on the guest list for this banquet, right?"

"But that was so much more entertaining." I state with a proud smile.

We continue to walk in what I assume is the direction of where the banquet is being held. I figure Blaine knows more than I so I just let him lead the way.

As we walk into the dining hall all attention is turned to us. A minute ago we could hear the loud chatter flowing down the hall, now the room and the people in it are completely silent.

"Cassandra." Fernando Kamarera is the one that speaks up first. I spoke to him at the ball, he was in attendance when I got the Kashmir Sapphire that's how he knows immediately who I am. He places his glass gently on the table as he stands up. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Oh nothing much, we're just here to declare war on you."

He laughs as though it's a joke. A few others at the table join in with the laughter but when Blaine and I keep straight faces they get the hint.

Fernando starts making his way around the table heading in our direction. It's a little intimidating but with Blaine by my side I feel safe. "Why would you want to do that?" He asks.

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