Rising Sun

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"Come on, come on! We wanna go to the quirk doctor already!" Shouted Izuku and Izumi. They could hardly sit still in the car, both of them bubbling with excitement and unlimited youthful energy.

"We will, we just gotta do a quick errand first." Their mom, Inko, said with a small laugh.

"Noo!" Izuku whined. "Errands can wait!"

"Hey, kid, quit winning. If the errands can wait, then so can you." The twins stepfather, Toshinori Yagi, snapped at him. He shook his head and grumbled about how it was to early in the morning for this nonsense. Izuku day back and looked down. He felt a hand on his arm and looked to see Izumi smiling at him in a comforting manner.

"Toshi, leave him be. He's just excited." Inko scolded. The stepfather just clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"I bet my quirk is gonna be supa-strong!" Izumi proclaimed as they pulled into the supermarket. Toshinori got out to return a couple items. Izuku instantly brightened at her comment, and nodded along with her.

"I bet mine will be really flashy! Kacchan and Kaachan already have their quirks." Izuku said.

"Oh yeah, Mitsuki was telling me about that. Apparently with twins, a new phenomenon occurs where the younger one has a variation of the older twins quirk.  At least, that's what the doctor told her." Inko mused. She turned to look at Izuku. "So that means your quirk should be a variation of Izumi's, if this phenomenon is real."

"You hear that, little bro? That means when we're Heroes, we'll work super great together!" Izumi said excitedly. Izuku nodded, grinning brightly.

"Yeah! We'll be the best Heroes!" Izuku stated. "The greatest, just like All Might!"

At the Quirk Doctor

"I'm sorry. Your kid just doesn't have a quirk." The doctor said. Izuku's world came crashing down in an instant. Izumi held on close to him, her eyes watery. Their mother hugged them tightly.

"Your daughter, on the other hand, has a quirk." The doctor told them. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"I-i do?" Izumi asked.

"Yep. Your quirk is called [Kinetic Arsenal], and it grants you the ability to store kinetic energy inside of special cells that your body creates, called kinetic cells. You can use that energy to either enhance your own physical capabilities, or you can turn it into actual energy for small feats such as creating restraints or firing off laser-like beams, assuming you're going into the Hero industry."

The family's eyes widened. Quirks this versatile and powerful were rare.

"Of course, there are drawbacks. Storing too much will cause your body to implode on itself, and it's probable that you will physically exhaust yourself. If too much is stored, at least before the point when you'll implode, you'll release the energy in an explosion-like manner, and then fall into a two day sleep. Also, your metabolism is enhanced, so you're required to consume larger amounts of food and calories."

"A-ah." Was all Izumi could say. What could anyone say to the fact that they could implode?

Inko looked a bit shook, but nonetheless, she was happy for her daughter. However, Toshinori looked at Izumi the way he always had: with disapproval and disinterest. Though now, there was a faint hint of recognition and acceptance behind his gaze. Unfortunately it didn't extend to Izuku, who was trying to cope with the fact that he'd never be anything he dreamed of.

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