Chapter 15| Surreal

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Renjun appeared at the gym, sighing at the sight of Donghyuck tirelessly dribbling the basketball up and down. Normally he would not visit there but he was kind of worried about his friend.

Donghyuck did not consider anyone his friend, not even Sara but Renjun always thought of him as a friend as he knew him from highschool.

Due to Renjun being an exchange student from China, his only support was Donghyuck at that time as he never supported racism and treated everyone equally.

"Do you know why the campus is so empty around you today?" He asked, causing Donghyuck to turn his head at him. "What are you talking about?" He casually said, not being actually curious.

"Do you even know about today's fest?" Renjun exhaustedly spoke. "What would I do knowing about it?" Donghyuck remained unbothered no matter what he said.

"I'm asking you to come with me."

"Why?" It was the first time for Renjun to ask Donghyuck for something but he still asked for the reason. The male wrapped one arm around the basketball player's shoulders.

"I will answer your questions later," Renjun said, dragging him to the event ground. The crowd got denser and eventually Renjun lost Donghyuck, causing his hand to be held by Sara.

"Hyuck," her mellow voice came out as a whisper, yet did not go unheard by the black haired male. His eyes softened and the crease of his forehead could no longer be seen.

A soft breath escaped his lips at the sight of her after a while which seemed so long to him. He witnessed a moment so dreamy, never imagining it to be so surreal ever.

Just then, a man accidentally pushed Sara, causing her to stumble upon his chest. Donghyuck caught her on time by her waist.

The brunette's grip on his shirt tightened as she squeezed her eyes shut. She had missed his cologne, his natural scent, his gaze, his touch, his voice which she still had not heard, everything about him.

She missed him.

After a few moments, she backed up a little, only to look at him to find him still looking at her. They maintained eye contact, staring at each other, losing each other in their eyes.

All of a sudden, Sara realised what was happening. She was in Donghyuck's embrace, holding his hand instead of Jaemin.

The female parted herself from him only to fall back on his chest again.

"Fuck," Sara cursed, causing Donghyuck to knit his eyebrows together, being worried. "What happened?"

"I twisted my ankle."

The crease reappeared on Donghyuck's forehead as he wrapped one arm around her waist to support her since carrying her in that heavy crowd was impossible for him.

Then he led her out of the event and took her to sit on a bench near the stationary.

Sara winced in pain when Donghyuck tried to examine her ankle. He was kneeling down in front of her on the ground. The male glanced up at Sara.

She was closing her eyes and biting down on her lower lip to prevent any further wince to avoid worrying Donghyuck.

He shook his head at her stubbornness.

Gosh I missed you.


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Wasn't the chapter so romantic? I'm totally in love with Donghyuck now. I mean I was thinking about Haechan the whole time I was writing this chapter. He is soooo fineeee.

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