Chapter 12| Kiss

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While dribbling a rusty basketball up and down, Donghyuck suddenly checked his wristwatch. The black haired male grimaced upon seeing the time.

Class period. He internally cursed when he realised he would have to face Sara in the classroom. After their argument last day, he decided to not contact her if it was not absolutely necessary.

Even so, he could not afford to miss his class since he had been extremely irregular at the first of that semester. Fuck. Cursing again, he dragged his heavy feet towards his destination.

He was already five minutes late. The professor narrowed his eyes at Donghyuck.

"Oh my! Isn't it the famous basketball team captain Lee Donghyuck himself? How did you manage to make time for my class from your busy schedule?"

The younger male pursed his lips. Shouldn't have come after all. "The practice ran late so—I'm sorry, professor Han."

"Come in," he gave him permission, still squinting his eyes. Donghyuck settled himself down on a sit and glanced around, scanning for any sign of Sara. Why am I so fucking conscious about her?

But she was nowhere to be found which made Donghyuck relieved first and anxious next. She never misses this class. The fact that he was unaware of was Sara spending time with Jaemin instead of attending the class.

Anyway it's none of my business now.

In Jaemin's car, he was gazing at Sara who looked at him being a little confused. She still did as he said after a few seconds, getting up on his thighs with her legs on either side of his waist.

Jaemin locked the door afterwards. Sara cursed the moment she had decided to wear a miniskirt that day. Her skirt was already pushed upwards, being in that position.

Jaemin suddenly stared at her, catching her completely off guard. "Did I ever tell you how attractive you are?" Sara smiled at the unexpected compliment, getting her confidence boosted up.

"Not really. What was that about?" She asked, making Jaemin smirk at her way to get him compliment her even more. "Let me tell you." He immediately wrapped one arm around her waist to pull her closer.

The male brought his lips close to her ear and whispered in his husky voice, "One compliment with one action at a time." Saying that, he squeezed her side. "Your waist being so tiny."

Jaemin kept one hand on her exposed thigh. "Your skin being so smooth." The male bit onto the zipper of her hoodie, pulling it swiftly with his mouth, halfway down.

Sara shivered by the contact of her skin with his lips. Jaemin smirked as he traced the mark he made earlier with his lips. "And this mark made by me completes the list."  He looked into your eyes. "You are perfect, Ryu Sara."

Jaemin's hand moved to her inner thigh, giving it again a light squeeze, as if letting her know, how close he was to her.

Sara pushed her head back. The vibes Jaemin was giving off were overwhelming her hugely and the male knew that very well. Sara had completely given herself to him.

She was suddenly reminded of the day, she had first seen Jaemin and thought of wanting to talk to him. But she could not bring herself to since he was one of the most popular guys and surrounded by a whole lot of people all the time.

The female smiled in satisfaction. She brought her face closer to his before pecking his cheek, surprising him. "Why don't you ever kiss me?" She questioned, causing him to raise one eyebrow.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked back. Sara pursed her lips. "Just the literal. You are always busy trying to intimidate me. You have never properly kissed me."

"Babe, our first date was last night. What do you expect?" Jaemin casually replied. "Yet we are here, making it in your car being half dressed."

"Well, that's pretty iconic." The male denoted, leaning into kiss the crook of her neck. Jaemin removed the hoodie completely. His hand was high up under her skirt, causing her to get almost unconscious.

His other hand wrapped around her bare waist, glueing her body to his. But Sara kept her hand on his shoulders and slightly pushed him away.

"I want a kiss right now."


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I'm extremely sorry for slow updates! I will try to update frequently from now on.

CHARCOAL || Lee Haechan | Na Jaemin ffحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن