Chapter 13| Departure

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"I want a kiss right now."

"Chill sweetheart," Jaemin said, backing up a little. He pulled his t-shirt over his head, before taking it off.

Sara's jaw dropped at this action of his. She had always known that he was well built but never knew he was this buff. His shoulder line was raised upwards, indicating that he spent most of his free time in the gym.

His clean toned abs, his muscular chest and arms made Sara gulp. It was different than any other typical university student built. It was clearly visible why every girl would beg Jaemin to spend time with them. Even half an hour with him would be enough for any girl.

She felt as if she needed to ask his permission before touching him. "You are so—" her mind was blown. She was talking without even realising. Jaemin smirked at her reaction.

"Cute," he remarked, chuckling afterwards. He grabbed her waist harshly with his muscular arm and slammed her to his bare torso with which she was still not familiar.

His other hand grabbed her chin and pressed his open mouth onto hers. It was happening too fast for Sara to process. His tongue was already in her mouth exploring every bit of her.

She was constantly getting surprised by her crush. She knew that he was special but was unaware of the levels he could reach to. Jaemin's hand dropped down to her neck, making her head tilt to get better access.

Sara's eyes were closed shut. She had no control over herself whatsoever. His other hand ran wildly all over her back, before reaching forward to her stomach and upwards to her chest.

The female let out an yelp between the kisses, making Jaemin smirk victoriously. His hand was doing as good as his tongue. Sara wrapped her arms around his neck, feeling his skin under her palm.

The heat was getting to her head when Jaemin decided to tease her even more by placing his hand on her upper thigh.

Just then her phone rang. They pulled away, grasping their breaths. Sara was breathing heavily on his neck. Jaemin rubbed her back to calm her down. She took her phone out of her purse to see her mother calling.

"I have to take this call," she said, looking guilty. Jaemin smiled at her before leaning in to kiss her lips briefly. "Go ahead."

She could not receive the call as she was still breathing heavily but called her back anyway. Sara's mother asked her to come to the hospital to meet her aunt who suddenly fell sick.

Jaemin dropped her off at the hospital. "I'm so sorry," she said apologetically. "Why are you sorry?" The male chuckled. "You are so cute, you know?"

Sara looked down at her hands. "I will call you later," he said, softly caressing her hair. "Now go. They must be worried." Sara nodded and sat in the car for a few minutes, not wanting to leave yet.

Jaemin let her be like that. After a few minutes, she reached up to place a kiss on his cheek.

"I will return to my apartment tonight. You can come and pick me up in the morning. Some festival will be held in the campus tomorrow. We will explore it together."

Jaemin let out a snicker before nodding. "My photographs are going to be on the display," he bragged. Sara squeaked. "My arts are gonna be displayed, too."

The male decided to joke a little to lighten up her mood. "You mean the sketches you drew of my face?" Sara smacked his arm, causing him to laugh. "Not those."

"Okay, princess whatever you say."

Don't miss me too much, okay?" Sara said, trying to prepare herself to leave. "Who said I would miss you?"

"Na Jaemin, I—"

Sara's phone rang again flashing her mother's contact on the screen.

"I will be going now."


Vote for the chapter please!!

Wasn't the chapter so sweet? Haechan will be back again from the next chapter. Do you think you can handle both of them together?

CHARCOAL || Lee Haechan | Na Jaemin ffWhere stories live. Discover now