Reaction: Frostbitten Nightmares

Start from the beginning

Taking a minute I recomposed myself as I walked through the battlefield. Everywhere I looked I saw another unimaginable, atrocious, vile, or down right unimaginable sight. I saw corpses everywhere...

I saw humans, demons, angels, monsters...people dead all alike. A ruthless massacre. There was no prejudice in the target subjected to this horror. Everyone was killed equally and I had to be alive...The sole survivor to witness and experience the nightmares that come from seeing millions of people dead.

Everyone: Nightmares..."the title..."

Chloe: But who could've been capable to cause this much death and in such gruesome ways

Yuuki: He noted that he saw people of various races dead all alike, an equal slaughter. There isn't a single person who'd just do this especially seeing as angels and demons are both included.

Rudra: I agree on this stance so it was most likely a group effort. Still, to be able to cause this is terrifying and Rimuru said the Sole Survivor...

Most tried to ignore it but as Rudra mentioned the fact that Rimuru was the sole survivor they felt extremely anxious

I saw people burned to a crisp.

People gutted like a fish.

People hung by their own entrails.

People alchemically merged together suffering in unimaginable agony crying for death...but only receiving it by taking their own lives.

People with parts of their bodies entirely gone as if they had been erased.

Heads sticking out of other peoples bodies.

The more I walked the worse the sights got.

Many people had shields covering their eyes courtesy of Veldanava and Rimuru as they knew they couldn't handle the grotesque sights that grew worse and worse.

Testarossa: I even as a demon myself find this extremely hard to stomach.

Micheal: People were merged together and only died by...

Velzard: It's a horrible thought but we may have one answer from the people who had parts erased from their body. The only way to get a result like that is with-

She didn't have to finish the sentence as they all knew where it was going. Stardust and Nihilty an energy made of nothingness and the other of everythingness. An energy needed to be on that level to do this.

I began to panic. I can't even breathe yet I was hyperventilating. I was losing my mind as I walked further. I tried to claw my eyes out and tear off my own ears so I could ignore the screams from their souls as they shattered.

But I couldn't..

I tore my eyes out, I slashed them, I tried to close my eyes, I tried to cover them. All to fail miserably. I was cursed to see this sight. My sight could not be blocked, inhibited, or removed.

I ripped off my own ears in agonizing pain as my [Pain Resistance] skill was sealed. Ony for them to regrow instantly. I burst my eardrums, deactivated skills that make me hear, surrounded my ears in deafening sound bursts to block the noise. But these all came up not. No matter what I did I was forced to hear the screams and cries of those as they died.

Chloe: He can't take a look away or stop listening...."where am I? Sensei is in trouble and needs someone.."

Veldanava: These truly are horrid sounds to hear and sights to see. Being unable to prevent it and having your attempts made futile is enough to make most go insane.

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