Reaction: The Rekindling of A Heart

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Ciel: It's been really boring recently....

Aza: Let's show everyone the other timelines then.

Ciel: Aza... That's a great idea, Ri being embarrassed is cute.

Aza: True. Should I call that one guy.

Ciel: Absolutely. Operation embarrass Ri is a goooooo.

Summoning:(Ciel, Aza, Rimuru, Veldanava, Lucia, Octagram, Rudra, Velgrynd, Velzard, Veldora, 12 Patrons, Gazel, Women who know Rimuru, Feldway, Micheal)

Classic panic ensues.

1 overly long bs answer later.

Rimuru: So you called us here because someone wanted entertainment. Furthermore you will continue to do so into the future.

Asuryii: Absolutely. You can't judge though.

After a small nod the screen flashes the title that represents this timeline.

The Rekindling of A Heart

Rimuru: Oh shit....

Veldanava: Why that reaction, old friend?

Almost Everyone: Veldanava?!?

Rimuru: They just now realized... Velda going forward we're doomed.

Ciel/Aza: Heh...

A smug smile filled Ciel and Aza's face as they imagined the soon to be embarrassed Rimuru.

Asuryii: RIP our dear Creator and lovable Slime. You will be missed.

I almost died because of Veldora's idiocy and now I am being asked to help his sister find her 'Lovers' soul fragments. I could annihilate the whole Eastern Empire and here she is asking me to help her recover the fragments of his soul.

Velgrynd: Oh so it starts during the war between Tempest and the Empire.

Veldora: Rimuru did you really think like that?

Guy: Still who would've guessed the slime could defeat 2 true dragons at the same time.

Rimuru: Veldora I was just fighting you and Velgrynd at the same time. And you miscommunicating nearly got me killed. I was a little annoyed. I will not lie. But it's ok.

Aza: psst Ciel. Wasn't Rimuru really in a bad mood after this.

Ciel: Yes.

Velzard: It must've been embarrassing being bested by someone who you underestimated.

Velgrynd simply wore an embarrassed smile before she spoke.

Velgrynd: At least everything turned out fine.

Veldanava: Hey Rimuru. Isn't this that one?... I see....Hmmm.

She's beautiful beyond belief I will not deny that, but jesus she doesn't give a flying fuck about the fact that her life is in my hands right now.

Micheal: Even I will admit. That is a little much.

Feldway: I'm surprised she isn't already dead, but then again that slime is really merciful.

Aza: "heh he won't say that for long"

Guy: Isn't that embarrassing. Losing to someone you underestimated and then asking for help. This is embarrassing for both you and Velgrynd, Rudra.

Veldanava: My siblings are really like this?

Lucia: Dear. Don't act like you're any better.

Luminous: "She really is brave. I need to learn her secrets so I can dominate..."

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