Frostbitten Nightmares 5 (RimuruxVelzard)

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"I am most interested in the surprise you have prepared for us. I would assume it is not Rogue who is being held by his hair." Diablo pointed to Guy with a disgusted and disappointed look on his face as this was the last thing he expected from Guy who he was rivals with at one point.

"Nope it's not. You should all know him but some will know better than most. Well technically I have 2 surprises but the first affects everyone, the second only affects Milim, Velzard, Velgrynd, and Rudra." Everyone looked at Rimuru confused but Velzard was conflicted as she was trying to process everything that was happening.

Rimuru made a tear in space entering his imaginary space and out of the tear came two figures. One an androgynous male who radiated Divinity and power, while the other a woman who looked exactly like Milim but only older and more mature. Everyone was silent as most began to realize who the figures were.

"Satoru no I should say Rimuru now. Thanks for bringing us back. Now where is my daughter? Milim?" The woman looked around curiously till her eyes caught a girl with platinum-pink hair and blue eyes. Immediately she rushed to her and wrapped her in a big hug.

Milim was confused for a moment till she remembered a pick that Satoru had shown her one of her parents. It took a moment for her to realize but once she did she embraced her mother while she sobbed saying how much she missed her and wanted to see her.

A small smile filled Rimuru's face as Velgrynd and Velzard approached Veldanava while Veldora and Masayuki/Rudra approached Rimuru.

"Velgrynd, Velzard. It's been awhile how has life treated you. If you don't believe it's me I can remind you with my collection of adorable moments of my family starting with Volume 1 the early years." The two women laughed dryly before wrapping their elder brother in a hug while small tears fell down their faces.

"Rimuru, Satoru. Honestly this is confusing. I won't lie, but thank you for bringing my sister back and for bringing back Veldanava. I'm glad to see them all back together. It's almost like the old days, a family reunion." Rudra let out a chuckle as he watched the scene befalling before himself teary eyed.

"My sworn brother. I knew you could do it. I apologize we all left you alone and you had to be the sole survivor of that hell. Thank you. I don't know how you did it but you did."

"Of course Veldora. I would do anything for the ones I love and care for. Me and Velda over there made a plan and it went perfectly. I wanted Milim to have her parents and to save you all so that's what I did. I also had another goal but that's besides the point."

Everyone enjoyed the reunion for a moment till Velzard walked up to Rimuru.

"Can you explain are you Satoru or Rimuru? I remember tidbits of conversations you and Veldanava had but they are all jumbled up. Please explain." Velzard looked at Rimuru with an apprehensive look on her face but also one of hope.

"Hmm? Easy answer is that Rimuru was Satoru. I used a fake name so I wouldn't catch the attention of certain people when I Rimuru the slime was born. You can ask Velda, he figured it out on day 1. I am still Satoru Velzard. I was Rimuru then I failed to save you all and was sent back before your brother was born and donned the name Satoru. Then to not cause issues I needed to in a sense die and return to the void. So that once I was sent to the EoSaT by Feldway I would recover my memories, skill, and be able to save everyone. I was held by some constraints that prevented me from acting sooner."

Rimuru looked at Velzard apprehensively before he looked down to Guy in his hand. He sighed heavily dreading the question to come.

"[Suspended World]. Velzard if you hate me, forgot me, or are in love with Guy. I will alternate reality for you and make a perfect world for you like I did for Velgrynd with Rudra." Rimuru froze time for everyone except for Velzard and Veldanava. Veldanava was connected to Rimuru so he was on the same level as him even after his ascension but he and Rimuru also said together they'd watch her response and accept it regardless.

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